Johnson and Johnson Introducing the New JOHNSON’S Baby Care Products

Malaysian Moms’ No. 1 Choice1, JOHNSON’S® pushed the envelope of gentleness for baby by introducing the New JOHNSON’S® -- a range of baby care products with Ultra Gentle formulas that contain 0% parabens, phthalates, sulfates and dyes2, and designed to be irritation free for baby and toddlers’ delicate and developing skin.


In conjunction with Ramadhan and Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebrations, our Raya campaign this year commences from 23 May to 9 June 2019. Quill City Mall Kuala Lumpur, a family and kids friendly shopping destination along Jalan Sultan Ismail Kuala Lumpur is honored to present the momentous grand launch of “Rileklah! Raya Bersama Didi & Friends”. 

Hard Rock Cafe KL Ramadhan - 推出独特限时6道汉堡。

为了配合开斋节的到来,吉隆坡Hard Rock Cafe推出限时汉堡。从即日起至六月30日,Hard Rock 铁粉可体验Hard Rock的经典与不拘一格的风味融为一体,享受独特的限时汉堡。所推出的汉堡结合了全球风味和几十年来铁粉喜爱的传统汉堡口味。

【eCurve Damansara】 Al-Kisah Pesta Ria 活动让长者们度过怀旧斋戒月

斋戒月是一个宽恕、慈爱、以及一家团圆的时光。为了庆祝这一个神圣的月份,eCurve 与来自Pusat Jagaan Al-Fijrah 的长者们同欢共庆这个节庆。以Al-Kisah Pesta Ria 活动让他们体验昔日的怀久情怀。

KL Indoor Adventure Park - Be the Top Scorer at SuperPark Malaysia and Win Exciting Prizes

Get pumped up Malaysians! SuperPark Malaysia, the all-in-one indoor activity park in the heart of the city, today launched the SuperPark SUPER RACE, a series of competitive activities designed to inspire an active lifestyle with the perfect blend of fun, fitness and friendship. The contest was kicked-off by well-known Malaysian personalities namely singer-songwriter and fitness enthusiast Talitha Tan, as well as lifestyle content creators Akiyo Chai (BaBy Akiyo) and Mia Chai.

【Alce Nero】为孩子们打造的有机孩童意大利粉让他们自小开启健康饮食


11street Offers Attractive Deals In Conjunction With Their Raya Together-gether Campaign

In a blink of an eye, Ramadan has slowly dawned upon us which will see preparations coming together for one of the biggest celebrations of the year, Hari Raya Aidilfitri. A season centered around togetherness, 11street (, one of the leading online marketplaces in Malaysia, has launched a campaign offering up to 80% discount on products and services, starting from May 6 until June 8, 2019


随着斋戒月的来临,全国各地的穆斯林也兴高采烈地准备欢庆这开斋节。配合这节日,eCurve将以Musly Ramlee的现身为特色而打造一个回到1960年代的音乐盛宴,让大家有个难忘地开斋节!

从2019年5月3日到6月6日,前往eCurve的顾客们将可体验回到过去。eCurve以Al-Kisah Pesta Ria为主题的活动让大家回到Saloma和P. Ramlee的时代。顾客必定对商场中庭陈列地怀旧式地商店惊叹不已,比如药店、旧时杂货店、理发店、咖啡店和唱片店,成为了活动的焦点。以红色、金色和白色为主的色调装饰,盛大的舞台预示着音乐节目已经准备就绪激发开斋节热潮!

以1960年代为创作灵感的 Irama Pesta Ria音乐剧将呈现经典的马来歌曲和现代舞蹈表演。嘉宾艺人Musly Ramlee凭着与P. Ramlee相似而闻名,他演唱了经典和备受喜爱的歌曲,为表演掀起高潮。

租赁和广告与宣传部副总经理Gina Long Ahmad表示:“随着现今快速的生活步伐,因此往往会忽视先贤所留下的历史和遗产。我们相信保存历史并教育年轻人认识过去是非常重要的。把辉煌的1960年代带入商场不仅提供娱乐,还把丰富的历史与文化带给大家享受和学习。希望我们的顾客可在即将到来的开斋节享受Musly Ramlee及团队在商场呈现的音乐表演!”

提早把开斋节礼品送给在eCurve消费的顾客!购物者以最多两张收据消费至少200令吉及以上,即可兑换由eCurve特别送出的Tiffin Lebaran以及Festive Ria Packets。所有兑换须符合条款与条规,直到存货送完为止。


欲知更多有eCurve欢庆开斋节的活动与表演详情,可致电03-7725 0277联系eCurve的客服人员,或浏览www.ecurve.my或Facebook页面,或eCurve的Instagram (ecurve_official)。

Shopee’s Exclusive! OPPO F11 Launches in Malaysia with Great Deals I

OPPO, a leading global smartphone brand dedicated to providing products infused with art and innovative technology, launched their latest F-series model – the OPPO F11 – today. Exclusive deals for the OPPO F11 will only be available on Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan.

the Curve及eCurve送出丰富奖品供赢取!

这四月份即将为顾客们准备丰富奖赏供赢取。为了回馈忠实顾客,the Curve和eCurve将为顾客们举办一项独特的“Spend and Win”活动,共有总值4万5000令吉的丰富奖品供赢取!

只要购物就可赢奖品!顾客们只需在2019年4月1日到30日期间,以最多两张收据在the Curve消费至少200令吉,或在eCurve消费至少150令吉(须符合条款与条规),即有资格参与幸运抽奖。在the Curve可赢取的奖赏包括the Curve现金礼券和一天免费停车费。振奋人心的当然不只这些!游客们还有机会赢取Apple iPad Pro 12.9”、Imaxx H98W地板清洁机器、Lushberry Baker行李箱套装、Sony平面电视,甚至是最新的Samsung Galaxy S10 +

eCurve的顾客们还可期待丰富的奖品,如旅游礼券、Huawei Mate 20 Pro、Playstation 4、Adidas购物礼券和MacBook Air,以及eCurve现金礼券、mmCineplexes免费通行证,EpiCentre现金礼券以及免费停车费。

the Curve高级总经理Jazmi Kamaruddin说:“我们在the Curve深深感谢购物者的支持,这项为期一个月的促销活动是我们向购物者致谢的方式。这项活动的构思是让每一名购物者都能获得奖品!我们了解没有比赢奖回家更胜一筹的感觉了,这就是我们要回馈所有忠实顾客的小小心意。”

租赁和广告与宣传部副总经理Gina Long Ahmad补充说:“我们知道马来西亚人喜欢购物,所以我们决定为何不在同时间给予他们奖励!这是我们第一次在eCurve举办这样的活动,我们非常有信心能赢得所有购物者的欢心。我们还有一些振奋人心的大奖供赢取,祝大家好运,购物愉快!” 

欲知更多有关“Spend and Win”活动的详情,敬请拨电03-7710 6868联络the Curve客服专员,或浏览the Curve网页 或脸书页面 或the Curve的Instagram (thecurve_official)。您也可拨电03-7725 0277联络eCurve客服专员,或浏览eCurve脸书页面 或eCurve的Instagram (ecurve_official)。