Hada Labo“我们关爱社会”公益活动 为弱势群体带来欢乐 支援低收入女性企业家和贫困群体

Rohto-Mentholatum旗下著名日本护肤品牌Hada Labo,通过其“我们关爱社会”公益活动持续为弱势群体的生活带来积极影响。此公益活动今年将迈入第5年,不断扩大其关爱范围,以支援更多受众群体,同时持续赋予低收入女性企业家力量。



Sunplay Skin Aqua防晒新品——Sunplay Skin Aqua UV Perfect Mild Milk Sunscreen水润肌清透防晒乳,其革命性设计绝对能震撼人心!为满足现代生活方式的需求,这款创新防晒乳提供高效防御紫外线和蓝光防护,同时也迎合了年轻专业人士和学生的喜好。

SPX Express 优化物流网络,电商配送效率提升 30%

SPX Express (SPX), 作为东南亚最大电商平台Shopee物流合作伙伴之一, 透过其新开设的雪兰莪巴生Bukit Raja 分拣中心,大大提升了其在大马电子商务的物流效率。自 2024 年 1 月以来,SPX 已将从巴生谷运往巴生谷地区以外的包裹递送时间缩短了百分之三十。 在SPX不断优化其在马来西亚的整体物流网络之下, 现在百分之五十的客户可以在下单后三内收到商品。

2024年,SPX的目标是进一步提高配送能力和扩大覆盖区域,改善端到端的用户体验,并降低成本,为马来西亚人民提供更好的服务。 SPX 拥有由 140 多个枢纽和仓库以及 1,200 多个服务点组成的交付网络,支持着马来西亚各地卖家送货和买家自行取货的服务,使其成为高效电子商务物流的领头羊。 SPX 预计在未来六个月内将巴生谷以外的买家自助提货点扩展到 700 个,让网上购物者可以依据他们日常生活的区域来决定取货地点。

“Bukit Raja 分拣中心的成立象征着 SPX Express 在电子商务领域服务的真正实力。这项战略性投资让我们更有效的增强对电子商务供应商服务,特别是那些位于巴生谷以外的电子商务供应商。我们透过一流的仓库和分拣管理系统,可以看见SPX运营效率取得了可量化的改进。未来我们将致力于持续改进,并经行尖端技整合,以期在年底前达到可以运送约150 万件包裹的运营能力。”SPX Express 马来西亚负责人谢丽汕说道。

今年,SPX 与 Shopee直送(Fulfilled by Shopee) 的密切合作将进一步提升电子商务交付体验,为用户提供更好的服务。Bukit Raja配送仓库战略性地平均容纳 300 万件现成产品,占估计 550 万件总库存容量的一部分。SPX定下将每日下午2点之前下单的95%订单当天发货的目标,这相当于为用户提供了更广泛的选择和更快的处理速度。此外,SPX利用该设施的安全存储和通过寄售服务的快速交付,明显提高了本地企业的客户满意度和品牌忠诚度。

SPX 强大的物流网络为马来西亚企业提供了公平的竞争环境。得益于 SPX 的内部技术以及专业的快递员和分拣员,小卖家、独立品牌和全国范围内的客户可以享受可靠、实惠且高效的配送。这使企业家能够实现可持续增长,并得到更快的电子商务订单平均交货时间的支持。

自 2021 年以来,SPX 一直倡导工作队伍的多元化和包容性。透过不断的推陈出新,SPX 致力于让其团队(从设施工人到车队主管)可以实现工作与生活的平衡,并培养强烈的企业向心力与归宿感。 Bukit Raja 分拣中心的开业为当地增设了 400 多个新的全职和兼职的就业机会。这项重大投资为为马来西亚人创造了更多的工作机会以改善他们的生活并回馈当地社会。

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Dododots 在 Shopee Live 倡导自爱 3,500 名人士每天使用俏皮痘痘贴片拥抱缺陷

每天通过 Shopee Live,Dododots 赋予超过 3,500 名马来西亚人勇气去拥抱自己的不完美,并践行爱自己。Dododots 成立于 2021 年 11 月,设计了 20 多个系列的独特卡通痘痘贴,鼓励人们将瑕疵变成一种时尚宣言。

Dododots 的创始人 Esther Erin 深切理解痘痘爆发带来的困扰,她说:“作为曾经饱受痘痘困扰的人,我们希望通过直播赋予他人力量。 爆痘不应该阻止你享受生活。 因为我们理解这些不想要的瑕疵会如何影响我们的信心,所以我们希望在糟糕的皮肤状况下陪伴社区的人们。” 这就是为什么该品牌始终秉承通过创新贴片设计帮助他人的使命。

见识到 Shopee Live 的强大力量,Dododots 透过直播,以一种有趣和互动的方式与更广泛的马来西亚观众建立联系。 在直播过程中,主持人会俏皮地展示他们脸上的各种设计,从花朵到猫咪,鼓励观众自我接纳。这种方式使销量比平时增长了四倍。他们战略性地利用社交媒体为直播博​​​​物会预热,并精心挑选主持人以确保品牌形象准确。如今,Dododots 的团队从 2 人扩展到 15 名忠实客户兼活跃主播,继续分享他们对可爱痘痘贴的热爱。

“直播需要付出努力,” Dododots 的联合创始人兼首席运营官 Ethan Wong 解释道。“我们不能仅仅上线直播就期望获得高观看人数。 为了吸引观众,我们会在社交媒体上宣传我们的 Shopee Live 时间表,鼓励粉丝与我们实时聊天,尤其是在新品发布时。 我们发现许多观众喜欢直播,因为这可以让​​他们提出一些问题,这些问题由于害羞或顾虑,他们可能在社交媒体上犹豫不决,尤其是那些喜欢在社交媒体上不留痕迹的敏感性皮肤患者。” Dododots 将 Shopee 作为其主要平台,因为客户可以轻松地将商品添加到购物车中。

当然,成功并非易事。Ethan分享道,“在 Shopee Live 上脱颖而出很困难,因为马来西亚的直播主太多了。 我们注意到某些主播在我们忠实客户中越来越受欢迎。 为了利用这一点,我们现在会在社交媒体账户上分享他们的直播时间表,主要是吸引更多观众并与观众建立更牢固的联系。 这两到三个小时的窗口期可以让观众与我们和其他有类似皮肤问题的人联系。 通过真诚的直播互动优先建立关系而非销售,我们旨在让整个马来西亚的农村地区认识我们的品牌。”

该品牌将他们种类繁多的设计归功于用户。 用户不断提供新鲜的想法,例如“我想要花朵”或“蝴蝶贴在脸上”。 Dododots 会迅速的实践这些想法,同时间取得设计的版权许可。 这种源源不断的想法使他们能够不断推出不同且创新的产品(产品提供)。

随着该品牌持续在马来西亚建立起口碑,Dododots 的Manja Cats 系列产品自推出以来就售出了超过 29,000 套,成为他们最畅销的 系列产品,该系列产品具有 16 种猫咪图案。 到目前为止,该商店在 Shopee 上积累了超过 38,000 名粉丝。

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MGTC & Shopee’s "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" Campaign Sees Malaysians Embrace Sustainable Shopping

Shopee : The "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" campaign

The "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" campaign, a collaboration between the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and Shopee, successfully promoted sustainable shopping habits among Malaysians. Running for four months from September to December 2023, the campaign aimed to encourage eco-conscious consumption and promote sustainability in Malaysia's marketplace.

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Shopee Affiliate Livestreamer Humanises Deal-hunting for Malaysians

Shopee Affiliate Livestreamer Celeste Phuah simplifies the shopping journey for approximately 36,000 rural Malaysians seeking convenience online every day. Over the past six months, she facilitated the redemption of over six million discount vouchers across the platform. Through her educational Shopee Live sessions, Celeste humanises e-commerce, explaining the intricacies of platform and store vouchers to empower users.

Understanding the needs of fellow shoppers and recognising the importance of bringing accessibility and convenience to all Malaysians, she curates a daily selection of 500 promotional products — five times more than the average Affiliate’s Shopping Bag. This ensures her viewers a seamless access to budget-friendly daily essentials as she guides them through the process of redeeming additional live vouchers through the Livestream Viewer Hub.

As an avid Shopee user, Celeste notes that the platform provides an abundance of exclusive deals and promotions tailored to deliver users a joyful experience that goes beyond just transactions. Through this, she carved her niche, providing fellow shoppers with a convenient solution. “I wanted to provide convenience for savvy spenders, where you can find a list of vouchers and daily essentials on promotion, with just one click," Celeste explains. “Now, when my viewers ask 'Celeste, what's the hottest deal today?', I can point them straight to the platform and guide them through the process of claiming it. With livestreaming, users can tune in, listen to the latest deals, and multitask simultaneously."

Based on past user engagement and interactions, Celeste tailors her content to enhance buyer experience, recognising that many new users don’t know where to start to obtain exclusive deals and promotions offered by the platform. This limits their ability to fully capitalise on these savings. Coming across questions such as 'How do I best stack shop vouchers with live vouchers?' and 'Are there additional live vouchers?’ Celeste, as a Key Opinion Leader on the platform, believes it's her responsibility to actively educate users about the different types of vouchers and how to optimise their utilisation.

Through her livestreams, Celeste actively empowers the local community by sharing her findings on deals, enhancing their lives one bargain at a time. In her dedication to keeping viewers informed, she strategically schedules her Shopee Live sessions during peak traffic hours of 12PM and 12AM, ensuring they always stay up-to-date on the latest steals.

“I actively watch other Shopee Live segments when I’m not attending to my responsibilities as a full-time housewife, analysing communication styles and product introductions of fellow streamers. I take note of the questions viewers pose, ensuring that if I conduct a stream featuring similar products, I anticipate and prepare for their inquiries in advance. My insights benefit my viewers, and I believe it’s my responsibility to furnish them with trustworthy educational content,” Celeste concluded.

Indulge in Shopee's Chinese New Year video and experience the enchanting journey of heritage and traditions, inspired by the essence of traditional New Year hampers. – https://youtu.be/K5ra_m6PZ0o?si=ynj4PKDfsM2RYMcE .

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Shopee’s E-Commerce Leadership Fuels Unprecedented Economic Inclusion

Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan, today revealed demonstrated proof of Malaysia’s radically inclusive digital economy by concluding 2023 with over 1 million Malaysians registered to stream on Shopee Live and over 450,000 new homegrown sellers, influencers, and affiliates incorporated into its marketplace ecosystem nationwide*. Inclusive by design, Shopee’s trifecta of collaborative government partnerships, free Shopee University upskilling programs, and seamless marketplace technology drove home the power of authenticity and hyper-localisation at scale in achieving real social equity. The impact on economic empowerment is clear: this year alone, 80 thousand sellers boosted earnings by 25% year on year, while affiliate orders grew 420% and livestream orders grew 500% respectively.

“While our DNA is digital, and we bring the conveniences of virtual commerce, every one of our local sellers, influencers, and affiliates are real people building real communities on the ground. Not only are we direct to the community, but we are also highly passionate when it comes to using technology to help the underserved. Malaysians who shop from us have direct relationships with our sellers on Seller Chat, Shopee Live, and greet SPX couriers at the door. Malaysian brands and sellers align with our platform because our Shopee Guarantee, Shopee Mall, and 360 Marketing Solutions enable them to showcase how their values align with the values of our customers and are a force for social good,” explained Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia.

Shopee Live Opens Up New Channel Opportunities at Scale

In 2023, Malaysians engaged with local influencer hosts 3.5 billion times on Shopee Live and the platform recorded 1 million local streamers registered since its inception in 2019. By investing in high quality studio production and KOL livestream services, increasing livestream touchpoints across the user journey, and offering in-stream tools to optimize livestreams for conversions, Shopee Live has become a key channel for discovery of locally made products.

  • Over the last 12 months, livestream orders surged by an impressive 500% compared to the previous year.
  • The adoption of Shopee Live by new local sellers saw a remarkable ten-fold increase in sales and a sixteen-fold surge in orders compared to the previous year
  • Over 89,000 new affiliates onboarded to drive traffic to local sellers on Shopee Live.
  • For sellers who realised over 500 thousand Ringgit in sales this year, livestream orders represented up to 40% of total platform orders.

#ShopeeSapotLokal Partners Government in Building Communities

Shopee’s leading role in partnering with the Malaysian government to ensure that local businesses can scale and succeed with e-commerce can be summed up with #ShopeeSapotLokal initiatives:
  • Over 60,000 SME sellers are benefiting from Shopee strategic collaborations with ministries and government agencies, including the Malaysian Communication and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the Ministry of Rural Development, and the Ministry of Trade and Cost of Living.
  • Since its launch in June 2021, Pupuk@Shopee Campaigns in collaboration with MCMC’s PEDi’s Centers throughout Malaysia have driven over RM55 million in sales for 29,000 local sellers and boosted their average daily earnings year-on-year by 22%.
  • Shopee recently teamed up with the Ministry of Communications and Digital (KKD) in November 2023 to aid 500 National OKU sellers through The OKU Celik Digital Program, pushcarts to assist OKU entrepreneurs and inviting Shopee OKU seller Kelly Chan to provide firsthand experience and tips for navigating the digital marketplace.
Shopee actively champions Malaysia's small businesses, fostering a digital-first ecosystem for MSMEs in alignment with the government's vision to empower local businesses. Shopee has fully implemented the sales tax on imported low-value goods, serving as a catalyst for domestic MSME growth, reflecting a shared commitment to strengthening the local business landscape through proactive collaboration and alignment with regulatory measures.

Shopee University Teaches High-Value, In-Demand Skills For Free

As one of the largest free digital literacy resources in the country, Shopee University has become a powerhouse for local entrepreneurs, equipping them with the skills and knowledge to thrive in the competitive mobile marketplace.

  • 120,000+ attendees in daily classes, 600+ trained through offline bootcamps, and over 650 reached through community engagement events.
  • 39,000 members of ShopeeUni Malaysia Facebook Group, fostering a supportive community of local sellers.
  • ShopeeUni's Customized Offline Workshops tailored for OKU sellers: Kelly Chan, who suffered from Child Syndrome, tried making a living through a brick and mortar gift shop after she was amputated at 14. A severe skin condition later proved debilitating, as she needed the flexibility to manage her health but many other growth platforms presented cash flow struggles and high debt risk. She solved her woes by being the most diligent attendee of Shopee Uni webinars and using the knowledge and tools to build a sustainable online business with Shopee.

Ayam Brand™ - 2023 年社区关怀活动 让1,000 名儿童拥有更美好的未来


Shopee's 12.12 Birthday Sale Offers Exclusive Prizes and Rewards!

Shopee Live  : Win 1year Free Toll

Get ready for the grand finale of the year's shopping extravaganza! Shopee is rolling out the red carpet for its 12.12 Birthday Sale happening from 1 December until 15 December. The event promises an array of unbeatable deals, heart-pounding games, and jaw-dropping prizes. To sweeten the deal, enjoy the added perk of free shipping with no minimum spend, making this shopping experience even more irresistible!

FREE Shipping with No Minimum Spend!

Experience worry-free shopping on Shopee, the go-to platform for no minimum spend Free Shipping vouchers releasing everyday at 12AM. Enjoy unlimited free shipping daily until 15 December and maximise your savings!

Shopee Live's Roda Shopee Game Show: A Gateway to Toll-Free Journeys!

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey with Shopee Live's 12.12 Roda Shopee game show hosted by Datuk Aznil Hj Nawawi, featuring special guest celebrity appearances like Faezah Elai, Zara Zya, Zarina Anjoulie, Zoey Rahman, and many others. Shopee has partnered with Touch 'n Go to offer users a chance to win an entire year of toll-free travel.  To enter Roda Shopee, users need to claim their unique code from the contest’s home page and complete one livestream checkout to be included in the pool of users that will be selected raffle-style which unlock the opportunity to spin the wheel for prizes, including the grand prize of 1 Year Free Toll.

Grab Jaw-Dropping Deals at Just RM1 with 12PM Super Seringgit Deals!

Unbelievable deals and brand-name items for as low as RM1 with 12PM Super Seringgit Deals! This is your chance to indulge in a shopping frenzy like no other, with incredible savings. Don't miss out – shop now and check out at 12PM!

Irresistible Vouchers All Day Long: Up to 50% Off and Cashback Galore!

Shopee Live will be buzzing with excitement throughout the day as users can claim up to 50% off vouchers for them to shop on Shopee Live. Selected users will receive additional exclusive vouchers during the 8PM session, featuring 15% Coins Cashback and Rebate NOW for Cashback sellers.

Diamonds, Vouchers, and Quests: Shopee's Birthday Quest Unleashed!

Engage in the Shopee Birthday Quest, where daily quests earn you diamonds exchangeable for exclusive vouchers of up to RM100, turning your routine into a rewarding adventure on 12 December. For savvy shoppers, don't miss the interactive fun of Voucher Scrabble during the 8PM Roda Shopee game show on Shopee Live. Piece together exclusive voucher codes for two rebates and dive into the 12.12 Birthday Voucher Hunt, unveiling hidden keywords for four limited-time vouchers. With both promotions offering a variety of vouchers, you can maximise your savings and enjoy a dynamic shopping spree on 12.12!

Spend More, Save More: Extra Vouchers for Peak Day Shoppers!

As the festival reaches its peak on 12 December, Shopee is adding another layer of excitement to your shopping spree! Spend a minimum of RM250 and discover an extra RM50 voucher waiting to be yours to use during the 3 Days Special extended sale on 13 till 15 December. Get ready to indulge in a shopping extravaganza that will leave you feeling merry and rewarded!

Indulge in Special Member Privileges: Enjoy Exclusive Pricing and More!

Embrace a world of exclusive privileges and unlock a treasure trove of rewards by joining Shopee Mall Brand Memberships of selected official stores today! Enjoy special member items, exclusive pricing, redeem vouchers and gifts, and earn points with every purchase. Join now and elevate your shopping experience!

Explore the Pinnacle of Elegance with Shopee Premium!

Be captivated by an exquisite collection of authentic and specially curated collections, meticulously handpicked from our esteemed line of Premium brands. Immerse yourself in the exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance of Dyson, Habib, Kiehl's, L'Occitane, Laneige, Pandora, Paula's Choice, Philosophy, Ray-Ban, and a host of other renowned names.

So, mark your calendars, set your reminders, and get ready to shop like never before! The 12.12 Birthday Sale is supported by renowned brands and valued partners including 70mai, Abbott, Baseus, DESSINI, Kamatto, POLO HILL, Reckitt, Skechers, SKINTIFIC, SOME BY MI, TTRacing, XES Shoes, and many more. For more information, visit https://shopee.com.my/m/12-12 .


A Tinted Lip Balm That is Rich in Moisture with Long-lasting Pigment For those perpetually scouting for lip colours or seeking an alternative to conventional lipstick, the wait is over. Try Mentholatum’s Water Colour Lip Balm! A high shine tinted lip balm that seamlessly marries the vivid hues of a lipstick with the moisturising effect of a lip balm. Whether you're aiming for a bolder look, a classic look, or a sweet and cute look, this lip balm has you covered.

The Water Colour Lip Balm introduces a new spectrum of popular, stunning shades, each designed to create a distinct style statement for diverse lip makeup wearers:

☀️👄The Ultimate All-in-1 Lip Balm

The Water Colour Lip Balm offers moisturisation and vivid Colour for a more convenient makeup routine. With its sheer natural color, silky-smooth texture, and infusion of 10 plant extracts, the Water Colour Lip Balm is hailed by beauty experts as a makeup game-changer. This all-in-one product is all you need for long-lasting moisturisation while giving you the vivid tinted result that you desire.

☀️👄Lip Balm for the Fashion-Forward

The Water Colour Lip Balm is versatile for every occasion with its wide array of colours. Whether you're dressing up for everyday activities, a working day, a party or dinner, a casual gathering, or an exercise session, the Water Colour Lip Balm effortlessly elevates your outfit. It's like having a fashion chameleon at your fingertips.

☀️👄Embark on a Stylish Journey with No Dry Lips!

Let the Water Colour Lip Balm be your on-the-go style and comfort essential when you travel. While lipstick typically offers intense color and coverage, Water Colour Lipbalm matches the intensity, allowing you to enjoy vibrant and bold lips wherever your travels take you. Also, unlike lipstick, which can be drying, the Water Colour Lip Balm keeps your lips moisturized in ensuring that you're comfortable in any climate or terrain you explore.

For women across age brackets, the Water Colour Lip Balm is a promising addition to their beauty regime. It assures a natural glow, complementing the subtlety of everyday looks while still upholding a dash of charm.

The Water Colour Lip Balm excels in every aspect! With its smooth, velvety texture that offers a delightful sensation on your lips, it surpasses the rough and dry feel of a lipstick, which can be uncomfortable. Why carry two separate items (lipstick for color and lip balm for moisturisation) when Water Colour Lipbalm provides both features in one convenient tube?

It's an ideal choice for achieving stylish and comfortable lips during your travels.

The Water Colour Lip Balm now comes in three variants:

☀️ Super Me (a charming red tint): ushering in a bolder look, this shade is an ally for the nights that demand a dramatic flair.

Mentholatum’s Water Colour Lip Balm

☀️ Pamper Me (a sugar coral tint): to epitomising the classic look, it lends a touch of refined elegance to every ensemble.

☀️ Fancy Me (a sweet pink tint): for your go-to for the sweet and cute look, this hue promises playful, vibrant energy.

So, wait no more and grab your Mentholatum’s Water Colour Lip Balm today from all leading pharmacies and hypermarkets at RM19.90.

Dubai Chocolates by PHINIX STORE Go Viral on Shopee Live

Khaled Hassan (left) and Husman Setta (right), founders of PHINIX STORE

PHINIX STORE is the local homegrown seller responsible for making Dubai Chocolates go viral on Shopee Live. Deploying a creative and systematic approach to live selling, founders Husman Setta and Khaled Hassan, also known as Abang Ah Ah switched from a social commerce site to Shopee Live in July 2023 and saw Malaysian candy lovers place more than 1,000 orders per day with them, far outstripping their initial targets of 50 orders a day.
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Shopee Live : Malacca-Based Motorbike Dealership Sets Records

BLH Motor*, a Malacca-based motorbike dealership, successfully concluded its 9.9 Super Shopping Day Shopee Live campaign in Malaysia from 7th September to 9th September. The company achieved a record number of orders for over 50 units of 125cc to 155cc motorbikes, surpassing normal day orders by over 15 times in just eight hours of live streaming. Their first-ever 9.9 Super Shopping Day livestream drove 17 thousand engagements, reaching many digitally savvy Generation Z fans.

The livestream campaign not only built excitement with pre-hype livestreams and exclusive livestream-only RM799 off deals on 7th and 8th of September, BLH Motor consistently educated buyers about the features of top trending motorbikes such as Yamaha Y15ZR, Yamaha Y16ZR, Yamaha LC135, and Yamaha Ego Avantiz. BLH Motor decided to experiment with livestream during 9.9 this year when they noticed many automotive sellers on it, hoping to utilise the new channel to reach the Malaysian motorbike community to offer full bikes, parts, and accessories.

On 9.9 Super Shopping Day, RM999 livestream-exclusive vouchers off motorbikes priced RM9,999 and above were snapped up by livestream viewers. After asking questions in the chat box, live shoppers put the desired bikes into their shopping cart, remaining assured that they would get after-sales service and care as if they had purchased the bikes in a physical dealership, such as free towing for breakdown incidents and consultations regarding the motorbike.

The widespread popularity and overwhelmingly positive feedback from Shopee’s gearhead fans highlighted BLH Motor’s successful efforts in appealing to a wider community online and levelling up for sustainable growth. “Never in our time would we even think about doing live streams for motorbikes. This has been such an exciting learning experience, and a major eye-opener. Shopee was there for us every step of the way providing ample support and guidance, which enabled us to expand our market reach and sell more bikes,” according to BLH Motor’s spokesperson.

”Live streaming is similar to selling something offline, except with bigger reach whilst providing a similar level of engagement and interaction. Buyers can engage sellers through Shopee Live within the comfort of their own homes — it is easier and more interesting — effectively another way for online customers to connect with us,” added BLH Motor.

Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia, said, “We’re so overjoyed whenever a seller who is new to Shopee Live experiments and performs well. More and more Malaysian sellers are discovering that livestream is a great way to create engagement, urgency and drive conversions, even with more expensive items such as motorbikes. Congratulations to BLH Motor for achieving such great results for 9.9!”

The tremendous success of the campaign has motivated BLH Motor to look out for future livestreams and utilise Shopee platform features to continuously live-demo more bikes. The demand for BLH Motor’s mopeds over 9.9 Super Shopping Day surpassed regular orders in their category by over 15 times, showcasing the power of Shopee Live and how sellers can leverage on this for more growth.

BLH Motor expresses its sincere gratitude for Shopee’s 9.9 supporters who made their Shopee Live campaign such a fun experience. The company remains dedicated to being the trusted choice of a variety of Yamaha, Honda, SYM, Benelli, Modenas, and WMoto motorbike, service and repair, and spare parts.

*BLH Motor’s Shopee Store: https://shopee.com.my/blhmotor

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