U Mobile Partners Impact Malaysia] Unveil Its First Art Mural at Spacerubix Puchong

U Mobile, the data-centric and multiple award-winning telco, together with Impact Malaysia, an agency under the purview of Ministry of Youth & Sports for youth development and social innovation, with the support of Ministry of Youth and Sports (KBS), has unveiled its first vast, floor-wide art mural initiative. 

50 MEGUMI ANTI HAIR LOSS SERIES- 防脱发护理系列,预防脱发和增加发量!


eCurve - K-Heat Kpop Talent Show 2019

引人热泪的韩剧,广受世界各地喜欢的韩国流行音乐和刺激味蕾的辛辣美食都是韩国具有独特文化,也在大马掀起了一股又一股的热潮。在这即将来临的学校假期, eCurve 购物中心将为大马朝迷们带来独特的朝国艺术节,必定让大家为之兴奋和鼓舞。

Cadbury Durian Chocolate Merdeka Collection Box

Cadbury, Malaysia's favorite confectionery brand under snacking powerhouse Mondelez International once again commemorated their celebration of Malaysian flavors with the launch of their second localized limit-edition flavor, Cadbury Dairy Milk Durian exclusively for the Malaysian market. In an effort to continue paying homage to the celebration of Malaysian culture, Cadbury once again collaborated with iconic Malaysia cartoonist, Datuk Lat, whose illustrations will be featured on the sleeves of selected Cadbury Dairy Milk products.

Guardian Vitamin C + Zinc #FizzWithMe Challenge Promotes Better Health

Take the Guardian Vitamin C + Zinc #FizzWithMe challenge – make a fizzing sound for more than 30 seconds on a single breath. Sounds simple? Try it because this fun challenge is not as easy as it sounds, but it will help family and friends improve their health, while reminding them to take their daily dose of health supplements.

Dove Introduces its First Customized Range of Dove 1 Minute Advanced Conditioners

In recent times, there has been a growing demand from consumers for brands to develop customized solutions for different hair types in order to attain beautifully nourished hair. Noticing this climate in the beauty industry, Dove as one of the world's leading personal care brands, has stepped up to launch its first advanced solutions customised range of hair conditioners featuring three new conditioners that cater to different hair types with unique levels of damage. 

CAROUSELL表彰大马本土英雄 , 配合国庆日举办#MYLOCALWIRA计划。


为了欢庆上述计划的推行,#MYLocalWira呼吁马来西亚民众发挥慷慨解囊的善心精神,同时此计划也获得大马名人的鼎力支持,其中包括壁球传奇人物Datuk Nicol David,大马首个ONE Championship锦标赛女性综合格斗手(简称MMA)及Citizen腕表品牌全球代言人Ann Osman、国际名模兼著名服装与美容品牌企业家谢丽萍、职业赛车手兼马来西亚“飘移女王”陈莉慧、世界顶尖跳水好手梁敏仪及国家韵律操代表Farah Ann。她们每位都捐出了几项私人物品在Carousell平台销售,所有物品的销售收入将捐出作为慈善用途。

马来西亚Carousell公司总经理Tang Siew Wai表示:“很多大马民众都非常幸运拥有超过自己所需的,而另一方面则有很多人需要我们伸出援手。配合#MYLocalWira计划,我们与知名人士合作,慷慨捐出他们使用过的物品在Carousell出售,回馈给多年来支持他们的马来西亚民众。我们也期望,粉丝们会因为拥有这些曾在职业生涯中成为英雄人物的私人物品而感到别具意义。通过#MYLocalWira计划,我们表彰这些曾让我们感到自豪的大马英雄,希望他们闪耀光芒的荣誉典范能启发别人达致非凡成就。”

上述物品的所有销售收入将会用于捐助单亲家长组织(Parents without Partner),这家慈善机构的创办旨在帮助有需要的单亲家长。善款募集主要通过此机构经营的二手商店Jumble Station销售上述二手物品来进行,单亲家长组织主要依靠公众捐款运作,所有#MYLocalWira计划物品销售所得收入将帮助他们支付租金、日常用品和学校用品的开销。



欲了解更多资讯或最新活动信息,请追踪Carousell面子书专页 www.facebook.com/carousell.my或Instagram @carousell.my,或从Apple Store或Google Play Store下载Carousell应用程序。


The Selangor State Government through Tourism Selangor, with the support from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture organised Selangor International Indigenous Arts Festival (SIIAF) 2019 on the 3rd and 4th of August, 2019 on the lush grounds of the National Botanical Park, Shah Alam. 

This year’s edition of SIIAF set place bigger and better. Tourism Selangor held the pride to exclusively welcome almost 130 Indigenous people from 10 domestic and international tribes! All of them were specially-invited from their home states and countries for SIIAF 2019.

Selangor Indigenous Arts Festival 2019 showcased the rich and diverse cultures of Malaysia’s Indigenous tribes through cultural dance performances performed by the Mah Meri and Temuan tribes from Selangor, Semai tribe from Perak, Seletar tribe from Johor, and the Borneo Sabah and Sarawak tribe. One of the most unforgettable performances was by the Mah Meri tribe with their amazing Masked Dance performance.

What was more compelling, international indigenous tribes from Africa, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Chinese Taipei, and South Korea were specially-invited from their origin countries, enabling city-dwellers to learn and have a closer look on their customs, cultures, traditional attires, artwork pieces, crafts and languages, and watch them perform live. 

Every year, Tourism Selangor takes the initiative to elevate the Indigenous Arts through a dedicated platform that connects city-dwellers with the Indigenous tribes from Malaysia and overseas, bringing the former up-close-and-personal to the way of lives of the latter.

SIIAF is one of the initiatives to elevate and preserve pure gems of the Selangor State, the Indigenous people, who are still practising their unique traditional cultures and customs, despite the fact that modern technology has taken its toll on the society. SIIAF 2019 was right-up-the-alley in establishing the State of Selangor as a preferred tourist destination with one of its core strengths in cultural tourism, focusing on the diverse cultures and the arts. The glorious annual event is no stranger to foreign media, as its uniqueness in cultural focus entices global attention, which provides exposure to Selangor’s hidden gems in particular.

The motley two-day event was carried out in conjunction with the International Day of the World’s Indigenous People which falls in August each year. Impressively, this year marked the fifth edition of the annual event. In efforts of bringing more hype to the SIAAF 2019, Recreational Orang Asal Run (ROAR) 2019 made its first debut on August 4th at the same venue. The 5km fun run received quite an overwhelming response with over 600 participants for its first installation. The figure is set to show a steady increment if the fun run continues to become an added feature to SIIAF in many years to come.

Both events trailed down to the Visit Malaysia Year 2020 Campaign organised by the Ministry of Tourism and Culture, on which a special section was set-up for the visitors to obtain information on the campaign and its arranged activities.

Visitors of the event were seen taking pictures at the special set-up of the Indigenous Handicraft and the Indigenous Traditional Villages, for that perfect Instagram post. What was more interesting, Tourism Selangor added the fifth house of the Pribumi tribe at the venue, and these houses remain to stay. The four existing houses represent the previous editions of SIIAF respectively; which one house was built and added for each year. One interesting fact- these houses were built to copy the exact design the respective tribe owns at their village. 

On top of that, visitors of SIIAF 2019 were seen having the time of their lives by participating in the amazing traditional Kerchang Games Puzzle. Special indigenous traditional weaving, blowpipe demonstration and communal cooking were among the activities that attracted the visitors’ attention.

Some of them went extra miles by signing up for the Jungle School Lesson conducted by Raman Bahtuin, a retired Semai gentleman which provided them with a first-hand lesson on using the blowpipes, weaving a shelter using bertam leaves, and solving several bamboo puzzles. Meanwhile, visitors with passion in arts enjoyed exclusive sketching workshop hosted by Shaq Koyok, a contemporary artist from the Indigenous Temuan tribe. These workshops brought by LokaLocal took duration of two hours on both days of the event.

Visitors were also able to indulge in a vast selection of traditional cuisines of domestic and international indigenous tribes at the Traditional Indigenous Food Exhibition, brought by Malaysia Orang Asli Development Association (MOADA). On top of that, a Food Truck Zone, Selangor Fruit Valley and Fama Fruit Fiesta were a delight to visitors with a more hipsterized appetite and love for fruits. After all of the food intake, a large number of visitors were seen taking free Health Screening Tests offered by Columbia Asia.

Among other attractions at SIIAF 201i include a Photo Gallery Exhibition: Thousand Faces Of The Indigenous which featured photographs of the Indigenous people in Malaysia and the world. Art lovers and collectors seemed to enjoy taking a stroll down the Borneo Street Market set-up by Sabah Sarawak KL Heritage Association for hand-made indigenous crafts such as beautiful paintings, women’s accessories, and clothing.

SIIAF 2019 was an attraction not only to adults but also to families with children. On top of exposing our diverse cultures to the young generation, the little ones were joyous meeting Captain Quack and Lady Quack Mascots- a special appearance by Sunway Lagoon. 

Both children and women with interest in beauty pageants did not miss the chance to engage in a meet-and-greet session with the winners of Miss Cosmopolitan World from Korea, New Zealand, Indonesia and Russia; while those with artsy and keen eyes took part in special Photography competition. The competition which featured two categories; Instagram and Professional, offered cash prizes to the winners!

SIIAF 2019 in giving pride and global exposure to the Indigenous Arts; was perfect for the public who wished to explore the uniqueness of the Indigenous cultures without having to trail down rural places. Hence, it is not surprising that the event draws a large number of visitors during each inception. The previous year alone, it attracted more than 7,000 visitors, and this year’s edition managed to gather 10,000 visitors at National Botanical Park, Shah Alam- of which they were taken on an experience of a lifetime.

植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada - 水润透亮的肌肤,仅需一个步骤完成

由日本简素主义所启发,植物物语 Shokubutsu推出了全新的Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品,同时洁净及滋润脸部和身体肌肤的双重功效,让日常洁净过程仅经由一个步骤就能完成。

新产品的推介仪式将于今天在双威金字塔购物中心举行,与 Watsons Malaysia联合主办,并邀得Shokubutsu Mochi Hada产品代言人—— 香港著名女艺人,唐诗咏一同站台。

“我们知道每人都渴望常保年轻。为此,我们花了很多时间和精力来达成这个目标。但多数的人常把这些精力着重于脸部保养而忽略了其它90%的身体肌肤。当我们把这个观察结果与其他女性分享时,她们才惊觉自己忽略保养身体肌肤,导致身体肌肤因为干燥缺水而提前老化。除此之外,我们繁忙的生活方式也让我们没有多余的时间给予脸部和身体肌肤同等的照顾。” 狮王有限公司 (Southern Lion Sdn Bhd)高级总经理(市场)Carmen Foo指出。

“我们对身体肌肤的忽略从而造成身体肌肤比脸部提前老化。为了帮助女性更好的照顾及保护脸部和身体肌肤,我们推出了全新的植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品。受到日本极简主义的启发,这个创新的产品采用了我们独家研发的日本锁水科技,通过减少肌肤内水分的蒸发来滋润肌肤,锁住已储存于肌肤内层的水分子,非常有效地为肌肤保湿。”她补充说。

(From left) 1. Mr. Edward Liew, Deputy Managing Director of Southern Lion Sdn Bhd 2. Ms. Natalie Tong, Shokubutsu Mochi Hada’s brand ambassador 3. Ms. Carmen Foo, Senior General Manager of Southern Lion Sdn Bhd

全新的植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品,能够有效的洁净及滋润脸部和身体肌肤,让繁琐的肌肤保养过程仅经由一个步骤就能完成。这个全新的产品能让肌肤保持水润,显得柔软、娇嫩以及容光焕发从而呼吁大家更爱惜自己的脸部和身体肌肤。

香港著名女艺人唐诗咏在分享植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada使用心得时指出:“我喜欢这个产品因为它让我沐浴时轻松的洁净及滋润我的脸部和身体。此外,这个产品含有日本天然成分配制的有效成分,安全温和且能有效地洁净及滋润我的脸部和身体肌肤。对于像我一样全日繁忙于工作的人,这个产品的出现对我非常重要。经过了两周的持续使用,我的肌肤明显地变得更加柔软和有光泽。”

植物物语 Shokubutsu Mochi Hada坚持使用安全及天然的成分,因此植物物语 Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品是由日本天然成分配制的有效成分制造,如日本山茶油,从过去数世纪以来,一直都是日本美容仪式的不可或缺的重要成分,也是古代艺伎的美丽秘诀。这当然也包括有助于紧致,提拉肌肤和保持水分的米糠油;以及含有丰富的矿物质及必需氨基酸,有助于保持皮肤的水分、质地、弹性以及整体娇嫩和健康的外观的大米发酵提取物。

经过多年的研发和考究,植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品证实通过肌肤测试,刺痛测试且证实不会导致粉刺产生,对脸部和身体肌肤非常温和。实际上,针对植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada市场调查对450名女性进行居家测试时,80%的女性在使用产品两周后,感觉她们的肌肤更顺滑、柔软及有光泽。以此证实,在两周的持续使用植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada将有效的让脸部和身体肌肤显得柔软、娇嫩以及容光焕发。

Shokubutsu Mochi Hada’s brand ambassador, Ms. Natalie Tong loves the Japanese routine simplification inspired Shokubutsu Mochi Hada Face & Body Shower Series which is formulated with Japanese natural ingredients, giving her a ‘mochi soft’ skin all over in just one simple step.

为了配合新产品推介,植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada也推出了#LoveYourFaceLoveYourBody emochi活动以此提醒女性不要再忽略其它90%也需要和脸部同等照顾的身体肌肤。在8月及9月份,全马的女性只要在社交平台上分享一张在任何一个身体部位露出的笑脸的图片,并附上#LoveYourFaceLoveYourBody标签,就有机会赢取每周二送出的植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品礼盒。

植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品的零售价从RM19令吉起,仅在Watsons 分店与网店、各大百货市场及电子平台独家销售。植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴油及沐浴乳备有3款不同的功效产品分别包括沐浴油(滋养及柔化肌肤),沐浴乳:水润透亮和沐浴乳:极度滋润。

从今天起,使用全新的植物物语Shokubutsu Mochi Hada脸部和身体沐浴系列产品,更爱惜你的脸部和身体肌肤。

EVERSOFT Micellar Cleanser Water 卸妆也能滋养肌肤, 选用100%有机植物萃取。


Selangor International Indigenous Arts Festival 2019

The Selangor State Government through Tourism Selangor, with the support from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture will organise Selangor International Indigenous Arts Festival (SIIAF) 2019 on the 3rd and 4th of August, 2019 on the lush grounds of the National Botanic Park, Shah Alam.