Showing posts with label Shopee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shopee. Show all posts

Shopee 12.12 生日促销活动:每天解锁 RM1200 万 Shopee Live 礼券!

您准备好迎接为今年购物节的压轴戏吗? Shopee 的 12.12 生日促销将于 2024 年 11 月 26 日至 12 月 13 日开始,并比以往更大、更好!今年的庆祝活动充满了令人难以置信的优惠、无与伦比的价格和令人兴奋的奖励,旨在让您过个真正难忘的年终购物。

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Shopee 11.11大促销:最低价格保证、免运费,每天还有价值 1100 万令吉的 Shopee Live 优惠券

Shopee 年度 11.11 大促销即将来临!为了信守 Shopee 11.11 最低价格保证承诺,顾客可在Dr Cardin、Dazzle Me、Grace and Glow、PerySmith、Scott、Pureen、Baseus、Skintific 等品牌可享受 90% 折扣。如果顾客在其他平台发现这些产品价格更低,Shopee将向顾客退还差价3倍的Shopee Coin作为回报。

Shopee 隆重介绍11.11大促销品牌大使!

Shopee 很高兴地宣布明星云集的阵容,包括网络红人和精明的企业家 Dato Seri Vida,以及才华横溢的演员和歌手 Izzue Islam,作为备受期待的 Shopee 11.11 Big Sale 的品牌大使!粉丝们不想错过这个在 Shopee Live 上观看这些偶像的独特机会。

于 2024 年 11 月 10 日至 11 日与 Dato Seri Vida 以及 2024 年 11 月 1 日至 10 日与 Izzue Islam 一起在 Shopee Live 上观看他们展示必备产品、分享内幕秘诀并与粉丝实时互动。有趣无比的互动、激动人心的赠品和独家促销活动将提升您的购物体验。不要错过与这些受人喜爱的名人交流,并在年度最大促销期间发现更多优惠的机会!

说到 Shopee Live,11.11 对于直播观众来说也是一大福利!从 10 月 26 日至 11 月 13 日,每天在 Shopee Live 购物时,可享受一系列回扣优惠券、现金返还优惠券、免运费优惠券、Shopee Live 优惠券和卖家优惠券,每天价值高达 1100 万令吉。

Shopee 11.11大促销期间,每天凌晨12点享受无最低消费免运费。这个优惠让购物者可以买到自己喜欢的商品,而不必担心达到消费门槛,从而比以往任何时候都更容易沉迷于这些必备产品。

通过 Shopee Live 解锁高达100 万零吉现金或奖品!

准备好在 2024 年 11 月 1 日至 2024 年 11 月 11 日举行的 11.11 Kotak Misteri Gamesshow 上享受令人兴奋的体验! Shopee Live 提供价值 100 万令吉的丰富奖品。每天中午 12 点或晚上 8 点加入Shopee Live,就有机会赢取精美奖品!当 Shopee Live 主持人来电时,第一个拿起你的手机,从 6 个神秘盒子中选择一个,你就可以赢得 RM11,000 的大奖,或者索尼 PS5、iPhone 15、金条等精美奖品更多的。这个意义非凡的优惠每天都会发生——不要错过赢得大奖的机会!

别忘了设置闹钟!中午 12 点时尚与美容时段为您喜爱的款式提供令人难以置信的折扣,而晚上 8 点 Shopee Live Hours 则提供高达 90% 的精彩促销,最低消费只需 RM1,上限为 RM5,每天晚上 8 点现场订单即可享受。此外,还可以参加 11 月 11 日凌晨 12 点的超级午夜疯狂活动。从中午 12 点到凌晨 1 点,您可以获取专属优惠券,并参与每 10 分钟一次激动人心的 Tap & Win 游戏。

11.11,Shopee 还将在活动期间为 Beauty Knockdown、Mum’s Club、Foodie & Pet’s Mart 和 Shopee Supermarket 提供特别优惠,让顾客们大饱眼福。顾客现在即可享受这些优惠,并于 11 月 10 日晚上 8 点起结帐:

Beauty Knockdown:除了独家 Shopee 优惠外,PerySmith 吹风机和 Laifen 吹风机等流行美容设备的售价从 RM11 起。

Mum’s Club: BabySing 婴儿车从 RM111 起,而 Malish、V-cool 和 Nuby Digital 的吸奶器则只需 RM11

Foodie and Pet’s Mart: 通过 Shopee Mamak 直播购买 Seonma 的 Okmaya 软豆腐炖酱,并以 RM1.10 和 RM11.11 购买您当地最喜爱的小吃。

Shopee Supermarket:Samyang、Breeze、Ribena、Munchy’s 等家居产品独家 RM11 优惠。

使用 SPayLater 以 0% 分期付款并享受更多折扣!

当您使用 SPayLater 时,将您 11.11 的购买分成 3 个月的 0% 费用分期付款。别忘了使用 SPayLater 优惠券领取和结帐,可享受高达 RM20 的折扣,进一步节省您的 6 个月和 12 个月分期付款支出!

只需 1 仙,即可节省 RM22 账单!

这个11.11,只需花费1仙购买SPayLater线下优惠券,线下支付时可节省高达RM22折扣。只需 1 仙即可购买您喜爱的品牌优惠券,并在您喜爱的零售店享受优惠,包括:Tealive、BHPetrol、Lotus’、Health Lane Family Pharmacy 等等,前提是您在商店使用 SPayLater 付款。立即了解这些促销活动的运作方式以及如何在店内付款。

通过 Shopee 更新您的汽车保险并带回家一条金条!

从 11 月 1 日至 30 日,通过 Shopee 应用程序更新您的汽车保险,您不仅将拥有一辆新投保的车辆,并有机会赢得价值 RM28,600 的金条!

不要错过 Shopee 独有的 11.11 大促销!欲了解更多信息,请访问

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Shopee Empowers Over 100,000 New Local Entrepreneurs in 2024


Shopee Empowers Over 100,000 New Local Entrepreneurs in 2024

Shopee’s ‘Sayangi Malaysia, Jom Rai Lokal 2024’1 study reveals a significant milestone in the Malaysian e-commerce landscape: over 100,000 entrepreneurs joined the Shopee ecosystem in 2024. This substantial increase reflects the rising acknowledgement of e-commerce as a vital and sustainable business model in today’s rapidly changing digital market.

“The impressive growth of Malaysian entrepreneurs on our platform this year is a testament to their proactive embracing of digital opportunities. Shopee remains dedicated to providing local Malaysian businesses with the essential resources including Affiliate Marketing Solutions, third-party logistics services, and Shopee Live to thrive in today’s competitive e-commerce landscape. We are proud to play a part in the journey for local enterprises to broaden their reach, optimise their operations, and achieve growth in this ever-evolving economy,” said Ming Kit Tan, Head of Marketing and Business Intelligence at Shopee Malaysia.

Shopee Live has emerged as a powerful instrument for local entrepreneurs, with a 113% increase in new sellers live streaming in 2024. This rise shows Shopee Live's growing importance as Malaysia's go-to platform for live commerce. Local sellers recognise Shopee Live’s interactive features that facilitate direct customer engagement, allowing them to build stronger, lasting relationships. The platform’s ease of entry and real-time feedback mechanisms are proving crucial in helping businesses stand out in a competitive marketplace, create meaningful connections with their customers, and reach nationwide audiences. The adoption of Shopee Live as a key business strategy is clear, with local sellers conducting over 1.4 million livestreams and receiving more than 27 million unique comments from users this year. 

Petals Malaysia2, a Selangor-based hair care brand, joined Shopee in 2021 to offer sustainable, wudhu’-friendly, Made-in-Malaysia products tailored to local preferences. Before joining Shopee, their market presence was limited to retail outlets, restricting their exposure and visibility. "Shopee provided access to a vast online audience, significantly expanding our market reach," said Khairul Azman, Founder of Petals Malaysia. "Shopee Live has also transformed our customer engagement. Through live sessions, we directly interact with shoppers, answer their questions in real time, and effectively showcase our products. This immediate engagement builds trust and drives purchases. We also use live polls and Q&A sessions to involve viewers, gather feedback, and enhance the overall shopping experience." Petals has sold over 26,000 units of their best-selling halal hair dye ‘Hair Color Shampoo’ since 2021.

The study also highlights a 65% increase in Shopee Live sellers from Malaysia’s East Coast, reflecting the platform’s success in helping local businesses expand their reach across the country. This underscores Shopee’s commitment in helping entrepreneurs from less urbanised regions to grow with e-commerce. East Coast sellers are using Shopee Live to build brand loyalty and deepen customer engagement, helping the platform create more opportunities for aspiring business-owners across Malaysia. 

Shopee’s top 500 locally-owned enterprises have achieved an average of 50% year-on-year growth in 2024, demonstrating the platform’s effectiveness in driving business expansion. This success highlights the strength of Shopee’s ecosystem and its role in helping sellers innovate and grow. The ‘Sayangi Malaysia, Jom Rai Lokal 2024’ study also shows Shopee’s commitment to supporting local businesses and growing the digital economy. Shopee continues to be an important partner for homegrown businesses, offering tools and services that help sellers achieve new levels of success.

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Shopee 迈向数字时代:电子商务助力马来西亚企业大放异彩



实时互动驱动增长:Shopee Live赋能本地商家

ZEKE Store 是一家起步于马来西亚雪兰莪州和吉打州的小型企业,但他的创始人怀揣着向全国展示其服装工艺和独特设计的梦想。然而,像许多小微企业一样,他们的资源有限,同时还面临着激烈的市场竞争。因此,选择合适的平台至关重要。而对于ZEKE Store来说,Shopee为他们扭转了局面。

Shopee Live改变了零售商与客户的互动方式,也变成ZEKE Store成功道路上的秘钥。不局限于静态的产品图,ZEKE Store利用Shopee Live实时展示服装的质量、质地和独特风格。直播成为了产品和观众之间的桥梁,观众通过直播与商家互动,双方也逐渐建立起信任且长久的客户关系。

“不仅仅是在卖产品,我们期望通过Shopee Live与客户建立有意义的联系。”ZEKE Store的创始人赖亚龙说道。服装类客户希望能在购买前试穿或感受一下面料做工,Shopee则能够帮助卖家打破这些购买障碍。通过Shopee Live,商家能够更直观地展示产品,拉近与顾客的距离。选择直播策略使店铺整体销售额提升了65%。在2024年的6.6促销活动期间,店铺成交额与去年同期相比增长了85%,进一步证明了选择直播策略的成功。

对于ZEKE Store来说,Shopee不仅是一个电商平台,更是品牌成功的关键。通过巧妙地使用Shopee Live,他们不仅加强了客户关系,还成功地展示了产品的独特性,实现了赖亚龙希望马来西亚更多人了解和喜爱其服装设计的愿景。

传统书店迎来新篇章:Shopee Ads助力连结全国书迷



认识到需要采取不同的方法,杨观德决定选择Shopee,并且运用平台上的卖家功能推动业务增长,因此Shopee Ads成为了Funbook成功的关键因素。通过定制化的广告活动和投放,Shopee Ads大大提升了Funbook在平台上的曝光度。不到一年时间,Funbook的销售额增长了2789.52%。如今,Funbook通过Shopee广泛的物流网络,为全国读者提供更多样化的书籍选择。

“Shopee对我们的业务产生了深远的影响。感谢Shopee Ads,我们获得了前所未有的曝光率和覆盖面,使我们实现了指数级增长,并与全国的读者建立了联系,”杨观德表示。

Funbook的成功并非孤例。Shopee通过提供工具、资源和支持,帮助中小企业在数字时代蓬勃发展。从卖家功能到Shopee Ads等营销工具,再到集成的物流支持,Shopee为像Funbook这样的企业提供了解决方案,帮助他们在网络上建立业务,吸引客户,保持稳定增长。



Shopee Video,作为Shopee最近推出的服务,给客户提供内容创作者们富有洞察力的短视频。与Shopee Live类似,这一新功能帮助卖家为其产品带来积极的口碑评论和推荐,提升品牌知名度。

“在Shopee,我们致力于赋能本地企业,如Funbook和ZEKE Store,”Shopee马来西亚营销和商业智能主管陈铭杰表示。“我们不仅是一个平台,更是商家的合作伙伴。我们为他们提供Shopee Ads、Shopee Live、集成物流等工具,并且通过无理由退货和交付保证来提升售后服务。我们来处理技术问题,让商家可以专注于他们擅长的领域,无论是像Funbook那样策划多元的书籍选择,还是ZEKE Store这种本地店铺展示其独特的时尚产品。”







Shopee把客户满意度放在第一位,帮助马来西亚的中小微企业接触到更广的客户群,实现可持续增长。这对商家和消费者来说是双赢的 —— 消费体验满意的顾客会发展成忠诚客户,而Shopee对顺畅购物体验的承诺正是培养这种忠诚度的重要因素。

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90% of Shopee Fashion Sellers Prioritise Muslimah and Inclusive Clothing

90% of Shopee Fashion Sellers Prioritise Muslimah and Inclusive Clothing

Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan, continues to strengthen its commitment as a thriving hub for Muslimah and inclusive fashion. Shopee’s Gaya Lagi Lit Inclusive Fashion Study revealed that 9 in 10 fashion sellers now offer Muslim-friendly clothing for all sizes on the platform, with 60% of these sellers dedicating three-quarters of their inventory to cater to this growing category.

When surveyed, fashion sellers revealed a surge in demand for Muslimah and inclusive fashion. A significant 80% of respondents reported an increase in customer interest in modest, stylish, and inclusive clothing options on the platform. This data underlines the growing importance of this category within the Malaysian fashion landscape, and Shopee's position as a key player in catering to this evolving customer preference.

“Shopee is actively driving the Muslimah and inclusive fashion movement. We recognise this shift and are committed to fostering inclusivity on our platform. This is evident by 70% of sellers incorporating more size ranges and

featuring diverse models. We empower sellers to cater to a wider range of body types, creating a truly representative shopping experience for all Malaysians on the platform," said Ming Kit Tan, Head of Marketing and Business Intelligence at Shopee Malaysia.

The study unveils Shopee sellers' data-driven approach to Muslimah and inclusive fashion content. 70% prioritise customer feedback and order insights for inspiration, ensuring content directly aligns with evolving customer needs. The remaining 30% of sellers utilise external sources like peer analysis, social media trends, fashion blogs, and local influencers for inspiration.

This focus on data complements the strategies of brands like Zoe Arissa. Esther, Director at Zoe Arissa, exemplifies this by stating, "We use customer reviews to improve on our products and services while utilising Shopee Live to engage and interact with our audience in real-time. As a local fashion brand, we also design a wide range of Muslim-friendly styles to ensure our products resonate with Malaysians."

Further study results reveal that price, quality, and variety are top customer priorities for Muslimah and inclusive fashion. A significant 80% of respondents identified offering high-quality products in diverse colours and sizes at affordable prices as the key driver of customer attraction. The remaining 20% prioritise differentiation through unique and authentic designs with frequent collection refreshes.

ZUCCA, a Malaysian modest fashion brand, exemplifies this focus. “We design our garments to respect cultural and religious values while allowing for personal expression. By providing a diverse range of contemporary and traditional styles, we ensure that every woman can find something that fits her unique taste. Additionally, we are committed to affordability, making it possible for all our customers to enjoy high-quality, modest fashion without compromising on style or budget," commented Nurul Syamira, Co-Founder of ZUCCA.

Shopee's commitment to inclusivity is shaping the Malaysian e-commerce landscape. By empowering sellers and fostering a data-driven approach, the platform offers a diverse and representative shopping experience. This caters to evolving preferences and positions Shopee as a leader in Muslimah and inclusive fashion. As users embrace a wider range of styles, Shopee will remain at the forefront, ensuring everyone finds their perfect Gaya Lagi Lit look.
Learn more about Shopee’s Muslimah and inclusive fashion offerings while shopping RM1 Super Seringgit Fashion Deals this 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale:

Shopee 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale

Unleash your inner fashionista and elevate your style with Shopee's unmissable 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale! Experience a seamless shopping extravaganza, with everything you need to curate a show-stopping wardrobe refresh – all at your fingertips. From 1 to 9 July 2024, amplify your personal style and shop smarter than ever at Shopee's 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale.

Daily 11 Fashion Steals with Super Seringgit Fashion Deals

Dive into a treasure trove of on-trend styles and score steal-worthy deals at just RM1 on an exciting curation of fashion must-haves from 1 to 9 July. From statement sneakers that elevate your everyday look to chic handbags that add a touch of sophistication, there's something for every style. Don't miss out on this daily chance to refresh your wardrobe with unbeatable prices across a vast selection. Start shopping at 12PM and revamp your look for less!

Free Shipping No Minimum Spend

Level up your wardrobe without shipping worries this Shopee's 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale! Shopee's daily Free Shipping vouchers, released at 12AM, empower you to indulge in a shopping spree. Simply claim your vouchers, redeem them at checkout, and refresh your look this 7.7!

Whole new Fast Fashion with Shopee’s On-Time Guarantee

Shop the hottest trends with confidence – Shopee's On-Time Guarantee ensures your statement pieces arrive within the Estimated Delivery Time when you need them. Experience the thrill of slaying in your new looks and if your parcel is delayed, you'll receive a RM5 voucher for all deliveries that exceed the estimated delivery date provided.* Shop stress-free, knowing Shopee prioritises timely deliveries so you can focus on what truly matters – rocking your new fashion finds.

8PM 15% Cashback Hours Daily

Maximise your fashion budget with daily 15% Cashback vouchers, redeemable until 9 July. Every purchase you make earns you Shopee Coins, which you can use towards future fashion finds. It's the perfect opportunity to elevate your wardrobe with on-trend pieces at incredible savings. Don't miss out - claim your Shopee vouchers today and enjoy upsized vouchers on 7 July!

Shop #ShopeeHaul Gaya Lagi Lit on Shopee Live with 7.7 Fesyen Fiesta

Shopee partners with popular local fashion brands and sellers to launch the 7.7 #ShopeeHaul Gaya Lagi Lit capsule wardrobe collection. Elevate your everyday style with this collection of trendy and affordable pieces that celebrate modesty. Mix and match to create the perfect inclusive looks and express your unique personality. Tune into Shopee Mamak on Shopee Live at 8PM from 1-5 July and on 7 July for exciting games and a chance to win RM2,000 in cash! Shop with confidence and style this 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale.

Enjoy Best Value Deals with Shopee Choice

Discover a curated selection of trendy apparel, must-have accessories, and essential lifestyle items – all guaranteed to be below RM3. Enjoy the convenience of fast delivery and free shipping on your purchases, ensuring you receive your fashion finds promptly without breaking the bank. Shopee Choice also prioritises quality, so you can shop with confidence knowing you're getting the best value for your money. Don't forget to revisit Shopee Choice on every 1st of the month to claim exclusive vouchers, snag super low-priced items starting from RM1, and explore even more exciting deals!

Enjoy 0% Instalments with SPayLater & Additional Benefits from ShopeePay

Plan your 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale purchases with SPayLater for 0% fees on 3-month instalments. New users get RM15 off, while existing users save up to RM30. Plus, satisfy your cravings offline! Enjoy up to 90% OFF on the Zus Coffee Mobile App and RM50 off at Baskin Robbins and other F&B stores with SPayLater. And that's not all! Top up your ShopeePay wallet using DuitNow to earn and win up to RM100.

Visit and embark on a thrilling and unbeatable fashion journey of deals and latest fashion trends all in one place – the Shopee 7.7 Mega Fashion Sale!

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Shopee 6.6 Mid-Year Fashion Sale!

Calling all fashionistas! Get ready to refresh your wardrobe and revamp your look because Shopee is dropping the hottest fashion deals of the year with the 6.6 Mid-Year Fashion Sale, the biggest fashion sale extravaganza Shopee has ever launched! This grand shopping event, running from 31 May to 9 June 2024, promises an unparalleled fashion experience with the widest range of trendy fashion hauls, unbeatable deals, and a seamless shopping journey—all at your fingertips.

Unbeatable Deals & Free Shipping No Minimum Spend

Get ready to indulge in guilt-free shopping for the hottest styles! Throughout the sale period, Shopee will be releasing daily Free Shipping vouchers so you can snag the latest trends without worrying about additional shipping costs. But wait, there's more!

Daily RM1 Fashion Must-Haves with the 12PM Super Seringgit Fashion Deals!

Sharpen your eye for fashion finds because the sale features daily 12PM Super Seringgit Fashion Deals. Mark your calendars because every day at 12 PM, you can snag incredible discounts on a wide variety of trendy items, from statement sneakers and chic handbags to trendy shirts and stylish accessories. Refresh your wardrobe for less with unbeatable prices on a wide variety of styles. Don't miss out - set your reminders for 12PM daily!

Shop Risk-Free with 15 Days Free Returns - No Questions Asked*

Forget wardrobe woes during the 6.6 Mid Year Fashion Sale! Shop trendy clothes and more with zero risk thanks to Shopee’s 15 Days Free Returns program. This amazing feature lets you return anything that doesn't fit perfectly or suit your style for a full refund, no questions asked*! Enjoy a hassle-free process with pick-up right at your door or drop-off at convenient locations. With this worry-free shopping experience, you can experiment with new looks and revamp your wardrobe with confidence during the sale!

Fashion on Time, Every Time: On-Time Guarantee with Shopee

Shopee ensures your fashion items arrive within the Estimated Delivery Time with On-Time Guarantee. If your parcel is late, you'll receive an On-Time Guarantee voucher.* Shop with confidence, knowing Shopee prioritises timely deliveries so you can focus on slaying in your new styles.

Shop #ShopeeHaul GayaLitLit: Empowering Local Businesses & Muslim Women

Shopee has partnered with diverse Malaysian Muslimah fashion SMEs to create the 6.6 GayaLitLit #ShopeeHaul capsule collection, supporting local sellers and boosting women's confidence nationwide. Featuring versatile styles under RM40, the collection includes key looks like 'Sis Ranggi' for edgy vibe, 'Everyday Cantik' for chic look and 'Anggun Bergaya' for a touch of elegance, catering to women of all skin tones and sizes. By collaborating with brands such as M2 Dream, DEEM Store, ZUCCA, Panda Eyes, KM Fashion Center, Stynis Traveller Luggage & Bags Store, Zoe Arissa, Tudung Exclusive and ZEKE Store, Shopee offers outfits that can be styled into multiple cohesive looks, perfect for any occasion. This initiative, part of the 6.6 Mid-Year Fashion Sale, underscores Shopee's commitment to marketplace inclusion for SMEs and enhancing fashion choices for underserved buyers. Shop the #ShopeeHaul collection at Shopee Fesyen.

Win Up To RM3,000 Cash with 6.6 #ShopeeHaul on Shopee Live

But that's not all – elevate your fashion game even further by tuning in to Shopee Mamak on Shopee Live from 31 May to 6 June 2024. Get daily styling advice from influencers like Sasha Abdul Aziz, Sherry Alhadad, and Bella Astillah, and participate in the exciting game show where you could win up to RM3,000 cash! Each episode features a 30-minute Shopee haul with styling tips and outfit demos, followed by the chance for viewers to call in and choose a complete outfit from displayed items, each containing an envelope with a different cash amount.

Rev Up Your Style: Win the Grand Prize - Ora Good Cat on 6.6!

From 31 May to 6 June, score the hottest trends and fuel your fashion frenzy with the chance to win a show-stopping Ora Good Cat electric car! Just grab a unique code from the contest microsite and shop on Shopee Live. The more you shop, the closer you get to cruising away in electric style! Don't miss this chance to look and feel amazing, and maybe even win a ride that matches your new threads!

0% Instalments for Fashion Items with SPayLater on Shopee Mall!

Shop authentic styles from over 5,000 trusted brands on Shopee Mall and enjoy complete peace of mind thanks to 15 Days Free Returns. Plus, spread the cost of your new look with convenient 0% instalments using SPayLater on Shopee. Discover amazing deals on the latest trends from your favourite brands and embrace a risk-free fashion refresh this season! Shop now, pay later, and look your best with Shopee Mall's 6.6 Fashion Sale!

6.6 Knockout Deals & Mega Midnight Madness: Exclusive on June 6th!

Prepare for the ultimate shopping showdown during Shopee's 6.6 Fashion Sale! Don't miss out on the exclusive RM6 Knockout Deals happening at 12 AM and 10 PM on June 6th, where you can snag incredible discounts on select items. Add your favourites to your cart from May 31st to June 5th, and checkout on June 6th to score discounted items priced at only RM6! For night owls, Shopee got you covered with the 12 AM Mega Midnight Madness featuring surprises every 10 minutes with new deals released.

The Ultimate Fashion Destination

From guilt-free shopping with daily Free Shipping vouchers to hassle-free returns with Shopee's 15 Days Free Returns policy and peace of mind with On Time Guarantee, the 6.6 Mid-Year Fashion Sale puts your shopping experience first. Boasting the widest range of trendy fashion finds at unbeatable deals, Shopee is your ultimate destination for a worry-free and budget-friendly wardrobe refresh. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to snag show-stopping styles and revamp your look for less.

Visit and join the ultimate fashion extravaganza – the Shopee 6.6 Mid-Year Fashion Sale!

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Shopee Live : Kerepek Seller Achieves 80% Sales

Shopee Live : Kerepek Seller Achieves 80% Sales

Recognising the growing potential of live streaming, Kerepek Azharfood, a traditional kerepek seller, embraced Shopee Live in October 2023 and has since established a strong presence. Their innovative use of Shopee Live to connect with viewers and their dedication to using high-quality ingredients fueled their online success, resulting in a remarkable 80% increase in sales within 6 months. Today, Kerepek Azharfood thrives online, boasting a loyal following of more than 100,000 followers on Shopee, a testament to their successful digital adaptation.

Kerepek Azharfood Redefined Engagement with Captivating Shopee Live Content

Kerepek Azharfood saw the limitations of a brick-and-mortar store and actively turned to live streaming. This strategic shift allowed them to expand their reach and connect with a wider audience through engaging online experiences. Mohamad Syahme Bin Azhar, Marketing Manager of Kerepek Azharfood explained, "We embraced live streaming and turned it into a powerful tool for customer engagement. We offered viewers a captivating behind-the-scenes look at our operations, showcasing the meticulous care poured into every product, from kerepek-making to packing." This transparency instilled confidence in their brand's dedication to quality.

Kerepek Azharfood redefined online engagement by prioritising uninterrupted, always-on live streams. The Kerepek Azharfood team hasn’t taken a single day off from Shopee Live, streaming every day since they joined. Some sessions even extend to a remarkable eight hours, fostering deeper connections within their community. During their recent Ramadan live streams in March 2024, they captivated a record-breaking audience of 43,000 viewers, translating into a sales surge exceeding 600 orders from one Shopee Live session alone. This represents a remarkable 6 times order uplift compared to their non-peak season livestreams, solidifying the effectiveness of their approach.

Built Loyal Following Through Quality and Customer Focus

Kerepek Azharfood's commitment to quality resonated with customers online, building a loyal following. They prioritised customer feedback through recipe refinement and taste tests by sending out food samples to their customer whenever there’s a request. Their innovative packaging solutions ensured their delicate kerepek arrived fresh, with a transparent full-refund policy for broken kerepek deliveries. Recognising diverse customer needs, they offered a variety of kerepek sizes, from single-serve packs to party-ready options, strengthening their position as a leading Shopee Live seller. Kerepok Tortilla Nachos 1KG, their best selling product since 2018, has over 43,800 packets sold and a solid 4.9-star product rating from over 19,600 happy customers. Another best-seller, Kacang Gajus, averaging 1,900 packets sold monthly since launch, translated to a total of 9,100 satisfied customers.

Shopee Live : Kerepek Seller Achieves 80% Sales

Kerepek Azharfood's dedication to quality and genuine customer interaction fueled a powerful word-of-mouth effect from their satisfied customers to their networks. Syahme mentioned, "We've always believed in using only the finest ingredients and maintaining the authenticity of traditional recipes. But it's the connections we build with our customers that truly sets us apart. We are so thankful that our customers share feedback and reviews for our products. With our community, we have managed to achieve over 270,000 positive ratings for our kerepek products!" This organic praise from happy customers played a significant role in building Kerepek Azharfood's loyal following.

Kerepek Azharfood's success story exemplified how a traditional business can thrive in the digital age with foresight, customer focus, and a willingness to adapt. Syahme encouraged other sellers, stating, "Don't wait for the ideal moment to start Shopee Live. Shopee is here to support you every step of the way." He added, "Shopee's user-friendly platform makes live streaming incredibly easy – with just one product listing, you can be live streaming directly in the app. No complex setup required!" Syahme further highlighted that beyond its ease of use, Shopee Live offers a range of interactive features to keep viewers engaged, including polls, lucky draws, live-exclusive vouchers and coins. These elements, combined with real-time comment sections and livestream reminders, ensured a dynamic and interactive shopping experience for both sellers and viewers.

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SPX Express 优化物流网络,电商配送效率提升 30%

SPX Express (SPX), 作为东南亚最大电商平台Shopee物流合作伙伴之一, 透过其新开设的雪兰莪巴生Bukit Raja 分拣中心,大大提升了其在大马电子商务的物流效率。自 2024 年 1 月以来,SPX 已将从巴生谷运往巴生谷地区以外的包裹递送时间缩短了百分之三十。 在SPX不断优化其在马来西亚的整体物流网络之下, 现在百分之五十的客户可以在下单后三内收到商品。

2024年,SPX的目标是进一步提高配送能力和扩大覆盖区域,改善端到端的用户体验,并降低成本,为马来西亚人民提供更好的服务。 SPX 拥有由 140 多个枢纽和仓库以及 1,200 多个服务点组成的交付网络,支持着马来西亚各地卖家送货和买家自行取货的服务,使其成为高效电子商务物流的领头羊。 SPX 预计在未来六个月内将巴生谷以外的买家自助提货点扩展到 700 个,让网上购物者可以依据他们日常生活的区域来决定取货地点。

“Bukit Raja 分拣中心的成立象征着 SPX Express 在电子商务领域服务的真正实力。这项战略性投资让我们更有效的增强对电子商务供应商服务,特别是那些位于巴生谷以外的电子商务供应商。我们透过一流的仓库和分拣管理系统,可以看见SPX运营效率取得了可量化的改进。未来我们将致力于持续改进,并经行尖端技整合,以期在年底前达到可以运送约150 万件包裹的运营能力。”SPX Express 马来西亚负责人谢丽汕说道。

今年,SPX 与 Shopee直送(Fulfilled by Shopee) 的密切合作将进一步提升电子商务交付体验,为用户提供更好的服务。Bukit Raja配送仓库战略性地平均容纳 300 万件现成产品,占估计 550 万件总库存容量的一部分。SPX定下将每日下午2点之前下单的95%订单当天发货的目标,这相当于为用户提供了更广泛的选择和更快的处理速度。此外,SPX利用该设施的安全存储和通过寄售服务的快速交付,明显提高了本地企业的客户满意度和品牌忠诚度。

SPX 强大的物流网络为马来西亚企业提供了公平的竞争环境。得益于 SPX 的内部技术以及专业的快递员和分拣员,小卖家、独立品牌和全国范围内的客户可以享受可靠、实惠且高效的配送。这使企业家能够实现可持续增长,并得到更快的电子商务订单平均交货时间的支持。

自 2021 年以来,SPX 一直倡导工作队伍的多元化和包容性。透过不断的推陈出新,SPX 致力于让其团队(从设施工人到车队主管)可以实现工作与生活的平衡,并培养强烈的企业向心力与归宿感。 Bukit Raja 分拣中心的开业为当地增设了 400 多个新的全职和兼职的就业机会。这项重大投资为为马来西亚人创造了更多的工作机会以改善他们的生活并回馈当地社会。

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Dododots 在 Shopee Live 倡导自爱 3,500 名人士每天使用俏皮痘痘贴片拥抱缺陷

每天通过 Shopee Live,Dododots 赋予超过 3,500 名马来西亚人勇气去拥抱自己的不完美,并践行爱自己。Dododots 成立于 2021 年 11 月,设计了 20 多个系列的独特卡通痘痘贴,鼓励人们将瑕疵变成一种时尚宣言。

Dododots 的创始人 Esther Erin 深切理解痘痘爆发带来的困扰,她说:“作为曾经饱受痘痘困扰的人,我们希望通过直播赋予他人力量。 爆痘不应该阻止你享受生活。 因为我们理解这些不想要的瑕疵会如何影响我们的信心,所以我们希望在糟糕的皮肤状况下陪伴社区的人们。” 这就是为什么该品牌始终秉承通过创新贴片设计帮助他人的使命。

见识到 Shopee Live 的强大力量,Dododots 透过直播,以一种有趣和互动的方式与更广泛的马来西亚观众建立联系。 在直播过程中,主持人会俏皮地展示他们脸上的各种设计,从花朵到猫咪,鼓励观众自我接纳。这种方式使销量比平时增长了四倍。他们战略性地利用社交媒体为直播博​​​​物会预热,并精心挑选主持人以确保品牌形象准确。如今,Dododots 的团队从 2 人扩展到 15 名忠实客户兼活跃主播,继续分享他们对可爱痘痘贴的热爱。

“直播需要付出努力,” Dododots 的联合创始人兼首席运营官 Ethan Wong 解释道。“我们不能仅仅上线直播就期望获得高观看人数。 为了吸引观众,我们会在社交媒体上宣传我们的 Shopee Live 时间表,鼓励粉丝与我们实时聊天,尤其是在新品发布时。 我们发现许多观众喜欢直播,因为这可以让​​他们提出一些问题,这些问题由于害羞或顾虑,他们可能在社交媒体上犹豫不决,尤其是那些喜欢在社交媒体上不留痕迹的敏感性皮肤患者。” Dododots 将 Shopee 作为其主要平台,因为客户可以轻松地将商品添加到购物车中。

当然,成功并非易事。Ethan分享道,“在 Shopee Live 上脱颖而出很困难,因为马来西亚的直播主太多了。 我们注意到某些主播在我们忠实客户中越来越受欢迎。 为了利用这一点,我们现在会在社交媒体账户上分享他们的直播时间表,主要是吸引更多观众并与观众建立更牢固的联系。 这两到三个小时的窗口期可以让观众与我们和其他有类似皮肤问题的人联系。 通过真诚的直播互动优先建立关系而非销售,我们旨在让整个马来西亚的农村地区认识我们的品牌。”

该品牌将他们种类繁多的设计归功于用户。 用户不断提供新鲜的想法,例如“我想要花朵”或“蝴蝶贴在脸上”。 Dododots 会迅速的实践这些想法,同时间取得设计的版权许可。 这种源源不断的想法使他们能够不断推出不同且创新的产品(产品提供)。

随着该品牌持续在马来西亚建立起口碑,Dododots 的Manja Cats 系列产品自推出以来就售出了超过 29,000 套,成为他们最畅销的 系列产品,该系列产品具有 16 种猫咪图案。 到目前为止,该商店在 Shopee 上积累了超过 38,000 名粉丝。

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MGTC & Shopee’s "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" Campaign Sees Malaysians Embrace Sustainable Shopping

Shopee : The "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" campaign

The "Jom Beli Produk Hijau" campaign, a collaboration between the Malaysian Green Technology and Climate Change Corporation (MGTC) and Shopee, successfully promoted sustainable shopping habits among Malaysians. Running for four months from September to December 2023, the campaign aimed to encourage eco-conscious consumption and promote sustainability in Malaysia's marketplace.

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Shopee Affiliate Livestreamer Humanises Deal-hunting for Malaysians

Shopee Affiliate Livestreamer Celeste Phuah simplifies the shopping journey for approximately 36,000 rural Malaysians seeking convenience online every day. Over the past six months, she facilitated the redemption of over six million discount vouchers across the platform. Through her educational Shopee Live sessions, Celeste humanises e-commerce, explaining the intricacies of platform and store vouchers to empower users.

Understanding the needs of fellow shoppers and recognising the importance of bringing accessibility and convenience to all Malaysians, she curates a daily selection of 500 promotional products — five times more than the average Affiliate’s Shopping Bag. This ensures her viewers a seamless access to budget-friendly daily essentials as she guides them through the process of redeeming additional live vouchers through the Livestream Viewer Hub.

As an avid Shopee user, Celeste notes that the platform provides an abundance of exclusive deals and promotions tailored to deliver users a joyful experience that goes beyond just transactions. Through this, she carved her niche, providing fellow shoppers with a convenient solution. “I wanted to provide convenience for savvy spenders, where you can find a list of vouchers and daily essentials on promotion, with just one click," Celeste explains. “Now, when my viewers ask 'Celeste, what's the hottest deal today?', I can point them straight to the platform and guide them through the process of claiming it. With livestreaming, users can tune in, listen to the latest deals, and multitask simultaneously."

Based on past user engagement and interactions, Celeste tailors her content to enhance buyer experience, recognising that many new users don’t know where to start to obtain exclusive deals and promotions offered by the platform. This limits their ability to fully capitalise on these savings. Coming across questions such as 'How do I best stack shop vouchers with live vouchers?' and 'Are there additional live vouchers?’ Celeste, as a Key Opinion Leader on the platform, believes it's her responsibility to actively educate users about the different types of vouchers and how to optimise their utilisation.

Through her livestreams, Celeste actively empowers the local community by sharing her findings on deals, enhancing their lives one bargain at a time. In her dedication to keeping viewers informed, she strategically schedules her Shopee Live sessions during peak traffic hours of 12PM and 12AM, ensuring they always stay up-to-date on the latest steals.

“I actively watch other Shopee Live segments when I’m not attending to my responsibilities as a full-time housewife, analysing communication styles and product introductions of fellow streamers. I take note of the questions viewers pose, ensuring that if I conduct a stream featuring similar products, I anticipate and prepare for their inquiries in advance. My insights benefit my viewers, and I believe it’s my responsibility to furnish them with trustworthy educational content,” Celeste concluded.

Indulge in Shopee's Chinese New Year video and experience the enchanting journey of heritage and traditions, inspired by the essence of traditional New Year hampers. – .

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Shopee's 12.12 Birthday Sale Offers Exclusive Prizes and Rewards!

Shopee Live  : Win 1year Free Toll

Get ready for the grand finale of the year's shopping extravaganza! Shopee is rolling out the red carpet for its 12.12 Birthday Sale happening from 1 December until 15 December. The event promises an array of unbeatable deals, heart-pounding games, and jaw-dropping prizes. To sweeten the deal, enjoy the added perk of free shipping with no minimum spend, making this shopping experience even more irresistible!

FREE Shipping with No Minimum Spend!

Experience worry-free shopping on Shopee, the go-to platform for no minimum spend Free Shipping vouchers releasing everyday at 12AM. Enjoy unlimited free shipping daily until 15 December and maximise your savings!

Shopee Live's Roda Shopee Game Show: A Gateway to Toll-Free Journeys!

Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey with Shopee Live's 12.12 Roda Shopee game show hosted by Datuk Aznil Hj Nawawi, featuring special guest celebrity appearances like Faezah Elai, Zara Zya, Zarina Anjoulie, Zoey Rahman, and many others. Shopee has partnered with Touch 'n Go to offer users a chance to win an entire year of toll-free travel.  To enter Roda Shopee, users need to claim their unique code from the contest’s home page and complete one livestream checkout to be included in the pool of users that will be selected raffle-style which unlock the opportunity to spin the wheel for prizes, including the grand prize of 1 Year Free Toll.

Grab Jaw-Dropping Deals at Just RM1 with 12PM Super Seringgit Deals!

Unbelievable deals and brand-name items for as low as RM1 with 12PM Super Seringgit Deals! This is your chance to indulge in a shopping frenzy like no other, with incredible savings. Don't miss out – shop now and check out at 12PM!

Irresistible Vouchers All Day Long: Up to 50% Off and Cashback Galore!

Shopee Live will be buzzing with excitement throughout the day as users can claim up to 50% off vouchers for them to shop on Shopee Live. Selected users will receive additional exclusive vouchers during the 8PM session, featuring 15% Coins Cashback and Rebate NOW for Cashback sellers.

Diamonds, Vouchers, and Quests: Shopee's Birthday Quest Unleashed!

Engage in the Shopee Birthday Quest, where daily quests earn you diamonds exchangeable for exclusive vouchers of up to RM100, turning your routine into a rewarding adventure on 12 December. For savvy shoppers, don't miss the interactive fun of Voucher Scrabble during the 8PM Roda Shopee game show on Shopee Live. Piece together exclusive voucher codes for two rebates and dive into the 12.12 Birthday Voucher Hunt, unveiling hidden keywords for four limited-time vouchers. With both promotions offering a variety of vouchers, you can maximise your savings and enjoy a dynamic shopping spree on 12.12!

Spend More, Save More: Extra Vouchers for Peak Day Shoppers!

As the festival reaches its peak on 12 December, Shopee is adding another layer of excitement to your shopping spree! Spend a minimum of RM250 and discover an extra RM50 voucher waiting to be yours to use during the 3 Days Special extended sale on 13 till 15 December. Get ready to indulge in a shopping extravaganza that will leave you feeling merry and rewarded!

Indulge in Special Member Privileges: Enjoy Exclusive Pricing and More!

Embrace a world of exclusive privileges and unlock a treasure trove of rewards by joining Shopee Mall Brand Memberships of selected official stores today! Enjoy special member items, exclusive pricing, redeem vouchers and gifts, and earn points with every purchase. Join now and elevate your shopping experience!

Explore the Pinnacle of Elegance with Shopee Premium!

Be captivated by an exquisite collection of authentic and specially curated collections, meticulously handpicked from our esteemed line of Premium brands. Immerse yourself in the exquisite craftsmanship and timeless elegance of Dyson, Habib, Kiehl's, L'Occitane, Laneige, Pandora, Paula's Choice, Philosophy, Ray-Ban, and a host of other renowned names.

So, mark your calendars, set your reminders, and get ready to shop like never before! The 12.12 Birthday Sale is supported by renowned brands and valued partners including 70mai, Abbott, Baseus, DESSINI, Kamatto, POLO HILL, Reckitt, Skechers, SKINTIFIC, SOME BY MI, TTRacing, XES Shoes, and many more. For more information, visit .

Dubai Chocolates by PHINIX STORE Go Viral on Shopee Live

Khaled Hassan (left) and Husman Setta (right), founders of PHINIX STORE

PHINIX STORE is the local homegrown seller responsible for making Dubai Chocolates go viral on Shopee Live. Deploying a creative and systematic approach to live selling, founders Husman Setta and Khaled Hassan, also known as Abang Ah Ah switched from a social commerce site to Shopee Live in July 2023 and saw Malaysian candy lovers place more than 1,000 orders per day with them, far outstripping their initial targets of 50 orders a day.
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Shopee Live : Malacca-Based Motorbike Dealership Sets Records

BLH Motor*, a Malacca-based motorbike dealership, successfully concluded its 9.9 Super Shopping Day Shopee Live campaign in Malaysia from 7th September to 9th September. The company achieved a record number of orders for over 50 units of 125cc to 155cc motorbikes, surpassing normal day orders by over 15 times in just eight hours of live streaming. Their first-ever 9.9 Super Shopping Day livestream drove 17 thousand engagements, reaching many digitally savvy Generation Z fans.

The livestream campaign not only built excitement with pre-hype livestreams and exclusive livestream-only RM799 off deals on 7th and 8th of September, BLH Motor consistently educated buyers about the features of top trending motorbikes such as Yamaha Y15ZR, Yamaha Y16ZR, Yamaha LC135, and Yamaha Ego Avantiz. BLH Motor decided to experiment with livestream during 9.9 this year when they noticed many automotive sellers on it, hoping to utilise the new channel to reach the Malaysian motorbike community to offer full bikes, parts, and accessories.

On 9.9 Super Shopping Day, RM999 livestream-exclusive vouchers off motorbikes priced RM9,999 and above were snapped up by livestream viewers. After asking questions in the chat box, live shoppers put the desired bikes into their shopping cart, remaining assured that they would get after-sales service and care as if they had purchased the bikes in a physical dealership, such as free towing for breakdown incidents and consultations regarding the motorbike.

The widespread popularity and overwhelmingly positive feedback from Shopee’s gearhead fans highlighted BLH Motor’s successful efforts in appealing to a wider community online and levelling up for sustainable growth. “Never in our time would we even think about doing live streams for motorbikes. This has been such an exciting learning experience, and a major eye-opener. Shopee was there for us every step of the way providing ample support and guidance, which enabled us to expand our market reach and sell more bikes,” according to BLH Motor’s spokesperson.

”Live streaming is similar to selling something offline, except with bigger reach whilst providing a similar level of engagement and interaction. Buyers can engage sellers through Shopee Live within the comfort of their own homes — it is easier and more interesting — effectively another way for online customers to connect with us,” added BLH Motor.

Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia, said, “We’re so overjoyed whenever a seller who is new to Shopee Live experiments and performs well. More and more Malaysian sellers are discovering that livestream is a great way to create engagement, urgency and drive conversions, even with more expensive items such as motorbikes. Congratulations to BLH Motor for achieving such great results for 9.9!”

The tremendous success of the campaign has motivated BLH Motor to look out for future livestreams and utilise Shopee platform features to continuously live-demo more bikes. The demand for BLH Motor’s mopeds over 9.9 Super Shopping Day surpassed regular orders in their category by over 15 times, showcasing the power of Shopee Live and how sellers can leverage on this for more growth.

BLH Motor expresses its sincere gratitude for Shopee’s 9.9 supporters who made their Shopee Live campaign such a fun experience. The company remains dedicated to being the trusted choice of a variety of Yamaha, Honda, SYM, Benelli, Modenas, and WMoto motorbike, service and repair, and spare parts.

*BLH Motor’s Shopee Store:

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Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day!

Shopee kicks off the long-awaited year-end shopping season with its Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day!
Get ready as the year’s most anticipated online sale rapidly approaches, introducing great offers and incredible savings* for the 9.9 Super Shopping Day in Malaysia. From now till 9 September, Malaysians can look forward to an exhilarating shopping experience filled with unmatched and exclusive deals.

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Shopee Launches First-of-its-Kind Nationwide Campaign

‘Shopee Spotlights Local — Unveiling Malaysian Gems’ calls for Malaysians to shop local e-commerce sellers to preserve Malaysia’s heritage, nurture local talents, and drive our economy in an inclusive and sustainable way.

By making the book, the first of its kind in this country, available to the public from 31 August 2023, Shopee aims to empower all Malaysians to start shopping purposefully with an immediate focus on Made-in-Malaysia products from underserved communities. Upholding its mission of using technology to help the underserved, Shopee empowers sellers by identifying and highlighting local sellers for better access to marketing solutions and hyper-localised campaigns, managing them so they succeed on Shopee, increasing seller education via its free Shopee University courses, and providing incentives so they find more opportunities on Livestream commerce.

The 100-page, full-colour booklet (downloadable in English and Bahasa Malaysia on Shopee Malaysia PR Newsroom website) is the first part of a series of episodic content that gives voice to Malaysian sellers breaking barriers online. It profiles Shopee sellers in each state who are top performing in terms of popularity, biggest storefronts, green products, exporters, livestreamers, and women-owned businesses. In addition, the book includes street-level stories and testimonials of sellers who have used their online success to uplift others in their communities.

Shopee is using the Shopee Spotlights Local campaign and authentic seller stories to promote greater awareness on how buying from small, independent sellers in our neighborhoods preserve local industries, reduce the carbon footprint, increase the level of personalised offerings, and encourage more homegrown entrepreneurs and innovators. Doubling as a handy guide for users to protect themselves, the book offers tips on shopping safely, understanding Shopee Guarantee, identifying responsible sellers, and its 100% Authenticity policy.

The vignettes about sellers pursuing their dreams online and showing us that Malaysians from all walks of life can build communities, include:

Zeeda Aziz of Pasar Kedah, who did not let her leg amputation stop her from expanding her ikan bilis business online

Edward Wong of HomeDecoStore, who listened to his customers and designed prayer mats customised to local preferences

Hafiz Oon of Mr Bentong, whose popular ginger juices have garnered so much word of mouth that he sources from ten ginger farms in Pahang to meet demands

“Malaysian businesses near you are often the beating heart of our local economy and the backbone of our communities. When you shop locally online, you are supporting Made-in-Malaysia products from underserved communities. We are heartened to see the support that many of our local sellers continue to receive through their online businesses, and remain committed to partnering with and supporting them in their e-commerce journey,” said Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia.

Shopee aims to distribute 15,000 free copies of the booklet to users free in all states as they receive their parcels from SPX by Malaysia Day. The online version of the book is available for download at:

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Shopee - Partnership with Sasbadi, Commits Up to RM50 Million for Malaysian Students.

Rm30 Voucher Sasbadi Shopee

Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan, has officially partnered with Sasbadi, Malaysia’s leading publication house and education solutions provider, to empower students in achieving their educational goals. The partnership was launched to make high-quality learning and revision materials more accessible to the Malaysian student community, giving them access to the right tools to succeed in their studies.

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Shopee Seller 帮助1200名卖家顺应电商市场的消费趋势,共同打造更具包容性的经济体~

为了迎合年轻线上消费群体不断变化的消费价值观,大马 Shopee 的1200名卖家于2023年6月21日在双威度假村(Sunway Resort)举行的第6届 Shopee 卖家峰会(Shopee Seller Summit)上一致决定,即日起采用注重价值观的营销方式(Value-Based Marketing)。一年一度的 Shopee 卖家峰会是马来西亚最受欢迎的电子商务大会,旨在带领来自各行各业的 Shopee 卖家掌握电商市场的最新消费趋势和认识 Shopee 新增的各种网店功能,并与全国卖家携手透过电商平台的力量促进社区发展。

颠覆了只有大型跨国公司才有能力发展使命型事业(purpose-driven business)的观念,10名注重消费者价值观的 Shopee 卖家在今年的峰会上设立展示柜台,向出席者展示他们如何通过用户体验、故事营销和畅通无阻的客户互动来推广自己独特的价值主张。另外,资深卖家(Shopee Xpert) 和 星级卖家(Shopee Bintang) 也在峰会上通过各种注重价值观的互动破冰游戏,创造了令人难忘的以价值为基础的学习体验,例如提倡电商平台包容性的 Marketplace Inclusion Treats-In-the-Jar、学习建设社群的 Building Connected Communities Jenga 和重新定义电商的 Redefining E-Commerce Pictionary 等。

马来西亚 Shopee 董事蔡承迅(Cheng Xun Chua)在演讲中宣布 Shopee 在促进马来西亚商家成长方面,在今年推出的各项重大倡议。首先,Shopee 正努力加强在物流和支付方面的工作和技术,同时也优先关注品牌保护策略,为注重价值观的客户创造更优质的消费体验。其次,Shopee 矢志透过建立跨品类协同效应,加深卖家与客户之间的关系,提高客户参与度,希望借此提高 Shopee 庞大用户群的客户终身价值(CLV)。

蔡承迅说:“在当今的电商市场中,许多客户都会通过网红和联盟营销对品牌的宣传和评价来了解一个卖家的价值主张。我们的 Shopee 360 全方位营销解决方案(Shopee 360 Marketing Solutions)能为卖家提供一个全方位的端到端平台营销解决方案,包括提供一系列营销工具和服务,帮助卖家提高知名度和营业额。”

青年企业家 Khairul Aming 是2022年 Shopee Super Award 的最佳新卖家奖和最佳客户服务奖的得主。他在今年峰会的一场圆桌论坛上带头呼吁全国卖家必须及时掌握消费者的行为和需求。这场圆桌论坛的发言者还包括另4名 Shopee 资深卖家,他们是 PerySmith 的 Roy Sam、Ecobb 的 Kim Yeo、Celovis Jewelry 的 Sammy Chong 和 Coty Malaysia 的 So Bee Leng ,他们一致认同满足消费者注重价值观的消费需求将能培养更持久的客户忠诚度。

Khairul Aming 于2021年在 Shopee 推出自有品牌叁巴辣椒酱 Sambal Nyet,并且在去年8月的销量突破了100万罐,在近两年成功创造2150万令吉的销售额。不仅如此,Khairul 还善于在网络上制作符合马来西亚人口味的美食内容,他的 Instagram 账号目前拥有超过370万名粉丝。他在 Shopee 上的网店则一直保持在平均5颗星的店铺评级,并且拥有超过39万2200名粉丝。Khairul 来自吉兰丹,其蒸蒸日上的业务成功为他家乡的50多名员工和150名家庭主妇创造了就业机会,成为了为社会不同群体提供就业机会的典范。

马来西亚 Shopee 营销活动主管苏庆汉说:“每年都有成千上万的卖家参加我们的卖家峰会,并在这里交流,学习新事物,共同成长。今年,我有幸在我的研讨会中带领全国卖家认识各种崭新又极具前瞻性的注重价值观的营销策略,我相信这些策略有助于推动电商市场对社会和经济的发展。我要特别感谢2023年 Shopee 卖家峰会的所有赞助商,包括 Commerce.Asia、Intrepid、Kumoten、Mono & Co、PayRecon、Red Dino、SiteGiant 和 Toyo 等,正是因为他们的大力支持,本届峰会才得以圆满落幕。”

2023年 Shopee 卖家峰会的出席者还包括 Zhiwei Herb 的 Ooi Zhi Wei,Beehaus 的 Felix Lee 和 Tee Ying Fui,Racing Passion Moto 的 Karen Tee、BeNourish 的 Eelin Lim、Samview 的 Leon Wong、Lampu Cherita 的 Mohd Zaid、HomeDeco 的 Edward Wong、Tokey Sambal Hitam 的 Khairil Adhzaha、Mamami Shoppe的 Patricia Marin 和 Mr Bentong 的 Hafiz Oon。这些卖家都用自己的品牌证明了本土企业如何通过 Shopee 的电商生态系统满足当今消费者注重价值观的消费需求,共同为大马打造一个具有包容性的经济体。

去年,Shopee 成功帮助超过25万名新卖家实现数码融合,为他们提供了开设网店必备的数码技能和工具。其中,有145名新卖家在开设 Shopee 网店的首12个月就获得超过50万令吉的销售额。Shopee 一直致力于利用科技的变革力量创造更具包容性的数码经济,包括在 Shopee 卖家峰会上为卖家们提供各种数码工具,以提高他们的数码技能,并在线上构建一个可持续发展的商业模式。

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