THE SCHOOL BY JAYA ONE : Re-energies Nonprofit Community With ‘LET’S BE NICE’ Campaign

THE SCHOOL BY JAYA ONE : Re-energies Nonprofit Community With ‘LET’S BE NICE’ Campaign

The School by Jaya One has successfully rolled out a month-long campaign, themed ‘Let’s Be Nice’ from 21 August - 10 September 2023 to cultivate positivity and kindness within the community in line with Merdeka and Malaysia Day. The campaign is also in parallel to reaffirming The School’s core values as a community-driven space built on the foundation of championing community initiatives.

Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day!

Shopee kicks off the long-awaited year-end shopping season with its Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day!
Get ready as the year’s most anticipated online sale rapidly approaches, introducing great offers and incredible savings* for the 9.9 Super Shopping Day in Malaysia. From now till 9 September, Malaysians can look forward to an exhilarating shopping experience filled with unmatched and exclusive deals.

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OXY 关爱儿童教育 ,支持健康清晰肌肤~

OXY Acne Control Starter Kit

OXY, 此专为青少年设计的抗痘护肤品牌,不仅致力于促进健康肌肤和个人自信心,还通过教育为贫困学生提供援助。OXY 非常荣幸地与马来西亚Watsons 和 MyKasih 基金会携手合作,协助并改善弱势原住民学生的生活,为他们塑造积极而深远的影响 。

OXY 意识到原住民学生面临的经济困境和有限的教育资源,决定为他们尽一分力,以确保他们获得平等的教育机会。今年,OXY 与 Watsons 成功为此“我们关爱儿童教育”活动筹集了RM50,000。此基金将支援 140 名来自雪兰莪 Sekolah Kebangsaan (SK) Sungai Judah 学生的教育与学习。

OXY 教育计划将赞助特定学生参与课后学习计划,致力于提升基本技能如阅读、书写以及计算。此赞助计划有助提升学生的学习能力,让他们更充分地掌握课程知识,提升他们的学术成长以及未来前景。不但如此,OXY 将提供 7 台液晶电视机,以改善学习环境,并为学生制造更具互动性的数码体验。

除了教育资助,OXY 也捐赠乐器予 SK Sungai Judah,旨在培养学生对音乐的兴趣,为他们开拓无限可能的未来。此迷你乐队的成立将可丰富学生们的人生体验,让学习更有趣和充满创造力。

“我们坚信每位儿童都有享有优质教育的权利。” SK Sungai Judah 校长 Shamsul Fadilah Bin Asmara 先生如此表示。 “OXY 对此教育计划的支持是非常值得赞扬的。此举大大点燃学生们的学习热忱,鼓励他们上学,为他们打开通向光明未来的大门。” Rohto-Mentholatum (M) Sdn Bhd 总经理 Lim Mei Yuen 强调 OXY 致力于通过“我们关爱儿童教育”活动,助力弱势的原住民学生,为他们提供资源、筹款和捐助以促进平等的教育机会。

“今年是 OXY 实行教育计划的第二年,旨在支援弱势学生的教育发展。” Lim Mei Yuen 说道。 “在 MyKasih 基金会和 SK Sungai Judah 教师们的支持下,我们非常期待见证学生们的卓越成长和进步。通过我们所捐赠的乐器,我们希望能培养他们对音乐的热爱,并激励他们拥抱这无限可能的世界。”

“马来西亚 Watsons 很荣欣能够与 OXY 以及 MyKasih 基金会合作,为不幸的原住民提供支持和教育援助。Watsons 的顾客也可透过在 Watsons 购买任何 OXY 的产品来参与此教育计划。通过每一次的购买,RM1 将被捐赠予此筹款活动。我们相信这个倡议可以提升他们的教育水平,进而为未来培养更多高素质的领袖,”马来西亚 Watsons 董事总经理 Caryn Loh 表示。

OXY Acne Control Starter Kit

OXY 的使命是协助青少年实现健康肌肤和建立自信心。我们致力于为弱势学生的教育提供支持,确保人人享有平等权利。作为我们持续努力的一部分,OXY 将继续为更多儿童助力,提供支援和资源,为他们开拓通向光明未来的大道。通过将护肤专业知识与社会责任相结合, OXY 致力于在年轻人生活中产生积极影响,由内而外打造健康幸福生活。

欲知更多详情或支持“我们关爱儿童教育” 活动,请浏览 或面子书专页:

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Shopee Launches First-of-its-Kind Nationwide Campaign

‘Shopee Spotlights Local — Unveiling Malaysian Gems’ calls for Malaysians to shop local e-commerce sellers to preserve Malaysia’s heritage, nurture local talents, and drive our economy in an inclusive and sustainable way.

By making the book, the first of its kind in this country, available to the public from 31 August 2023, Shopee aims to empower all Malaysians to start shopping purposefully with an immediate focus on Made-in-Malaysia products from underserved communities. Upholding its mission of using technology to help the underserved, Shopee empowers sellers by identifying and highlighting local sellers for better access to marketing solutions and hyper-localised campaigns, managing them so they succeed on Shopee, increasing seller education via its free Shopee University courses, and providing incentives so they find more opportunities on Livestream commerce.

The 100-page, full-colour booklet (downloadable in English and Bahasa Malaysia on Shopee Malaysia PR Newsroom website) is the first part of a series of episodic content that gives voice to Malaysian sellers breaking barriers online. It profiles Shopee sellers in each state who are top performing in terms of popularity, biggest storefronts, green products, exporters, livestreamers, and women-owned businesses. In addition, the book includes street-level stories and testimonials of sellers who have used their online success to uplift others in their communities.

Shopee is using the Shopee Spotlights Local campaign and authentic seller stories to promote greater awareness on how buying from small, independent sellers in our neighborhoods preserve local industries, reduce the carbon footprint, increase the level of personalised offerings, and encourage more homegrown entrepreneurs and innovators. Doubling as a handy guide for users to protect themselves, the book offers tips on shopping safely, understanding Shopee Guarantee, identifying responsible sellers, and its 100% Authenticity policy.

The vignettes about sellers pursuing their dreams online and showing us that Malaysians from all walks of life can build communities, include:

Zeeda Aziz of Pasar Kedah, who did not let her leg amputation stop her from expanding her ikan bilis business online

Edward Wong of HomeDecoStore, who listened to his customers and designed prayer mats customised to local preferences

Hafiz Oon of Mr Bentong, whose popular ginger juices have garnered so much word of mouth that he sources from ten ginger farms in Pahang to meet demands

“Malaysian businesses near you are often the beating heart of our local economy and the backbone of our communities. When you shop locally online, you are supporting Made-in-Malaysia products from underserved communities. We are heartened to see the support that many of our local sellers continue to receive through their online businesses, and remain committed to partnering with and supporting them in their e-commerce journey,” said Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia.

Shopee aims to distribute 15,000 free copies of the booklet to users free in all states as they receive their parcels from SPX by Malaysia Day. The online version of the book is available for download at:

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Shopee - Partnership with Sasbadi, Commits Up to RM50 Million for Malaysian Students.

Rm30 Voucher Sasbadi Shopee

Shopee, the leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia & Taiwan, has officially partnered with Sasbadi, Malaysia’s leading publication house and education solutions provider, to empower students in achieving their educational goals. The partnership was launched to make high-quality learning and revision materials more accessible to the Malaysian student community, giving them access to the right tools to succeed in their studies.

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Shopee Seller 帮助1200名卖家顺应电商市场的消费趋势,共同打造更具包容性的经济体~

为了迎合年轻线上消费群体不断变化的消费价值观,大马 Shopee 的1200名卖家于2023年6月21日在双威度假村(Sunway Resort)举行的第6届 Shopee 卖家峰会(Shopee Seller Summit)上一致决定,即日起采用注重价值观的营销方式(Value-Based Marketing)。一年一度的 Shopee 卖家峰会是马来西亚最受欢迎的电子商务大会,旨在带领来自各行各业的 Shopee 卖家掌握电商市场的最新消费趋势和认识 Shopee 新增的各种网店功能,并与全国卖家携手透过电商平台的力量促进社区发展。

颠覆了只有大型跨国公司才有能力发展使命型事业(purpose-driven business)的观念,10名注重消费者价值观的 Shopee 卖家在今年的峰会上设立展示柜台,向出席者展示他们如何通过用户体验、故事营销和畅通无阻的客户互动来推广自己独特的价值主张。另外,资深卖家(Shopee Xpert) 和 星级卖家(Shopee Bintang) 也在峰会上通过各种注重价值观的互动破冰游戏,创造了令人难忘的以价值为基础的学习体验,例如提倡电商平台包容性的 Marketplace Inclusion Treats-In-the-Jar、学习建设社群的 Building Connected Communities Jenga 和重新定义电商的 Redefining E-Commerce Pictionary 等。

马来西亚 Shopee 董事蔡承迅(Cheng Xun Chua)在演讲中宣布 Shopee 在促进马来西亚商家成长方面,在今年推出的各项重大倡议。首先,Shopee 正努力加强在物流和支付方面的工作和技术,同时也优先关注品牌保护策略,为注重价值观的客户创造更优质的消费体验。其次,Shopee 矢志透过建立跨品类协同效应,加深卖家与客户之间的关系,提高客户参与度,希望借此提高 Shopee 庞大用户群的客户终身价值(CLV)。

蔡承迅说:“在当今的电商市场中,许多客户都会通过网红和联盟营销对品牌的宣传和评价来了解一个卖家的价值主张。我们的 Shopee 360 全方位营销解决方案(Shopee 360 Marketing Solutions)能为卖家提供一个全方位的端到端平台营销解决方案,包括提供一系列营销工具和服务,帮助卖家提高知名度和营业额。”

青年企业家 Khairul Aming 是2022年 Shopee Super Award 的最佳新卖家奖和最佳客户服务奖的得主。他在今年峰会的一场圆桌论坛上带头呼吁全国卖家必须及时掌握消费者的行为和需求。这场圆桌论坛的发言者还包括另4名 Shopee 资深卖家,他们是 PerySmith 的 Roy Sam、Ecobb 的 Kim Yeo、Celovis Jewelry 的 Sammy Chong 和 Coty Malaysia 的 So Bee Leng ,他们一致认同满足消费者注重价值观的消费需求将能培养更持久的客户忠诚度。

Khairul Aming 于2021年在 Shopee 推出自有品牌叁巴辣椒酱 Sambal Nyet,并且在去年8月的销量突破了100万罐,在近两年成功创造2150万令吉的销售额。不仅如此,Khairul 还善于在网络上制作符合马来西亚人口味的美食内容,他的 Instagram 账号目前拥有超过370万名粉丝。他在 Shopee 上的网店则一直保持在平均5颗星的店铺评级,并且拥有超过39万2200名粉丝。Khairul 来自吉兰丹,其蒸蒸日上的业务成功为他家乡的50多名员工和150名家庭主妇创造了就业机会,成为了为社会不同群体提供就业机会的典范。

马来西亚 Shopee 营销活动主管苏庆汉说:“每年都有成千上万的卖家参加我们的卖家峰会,并在这里交流,学习新事物,共同成长。今年,我有幸在我的研讨会中带领全国卖家认识各种崭新又极具前瞻性的注重价值观的营销策略,我相信这些策略有助于推动电商市场对社会和经济的发展。我要特别感谢2023年 Shopee 卖家峰会的所有赞助商,包括 Commerce.Asia、Intrepid、Kumoten、Mono & Co、PayRecon、Red Dino、SiteGiant 和 Toyo 等,正是因为他们的大力支持,本届峰会才得以圆满落幕。”

2023年 Shopee 卖家峰会的出席者还包括 Zhiwei Herb 的 Ooi Zhi Wei,Beehaus 的 Felix Lee 和 Tee Ying Fui,Racing Passion Moto 的 Karen Tee、BeNourish 的 Eelin Lim、Samview 的 Leon Wong、Lampu Cherita 的 Mohd Zaid、HomeDeco 的 Edward Wong、Tokey Sambal Hitam 的 Khairil Adhzaha、Mamami Shoppe的 Patricia Marin 和 Mr Bentong 的 Hafiz Oon。这些卖家都用自己的品牌证明了本土企业如何通过 Shopee 的电商生态系统满足当今消费者注重价值观的消费需求,共同为大马打造一个具有包容性的经济体。

去年,Shopee 成功帮助超过25万名新卖家实现数码融合,为他们提供了开设网店必备的数码技能和工具。其中,有145名新卖家在开设 Shopee 网店的首12个月就获得超过50万令吉的销售额。Shopee 一直致力于利用科技的变革力量创造更具包容性的数码经济,包括在 Shopee 卖家峰会上为卖家们提供各种数码工具,以提高他们的数码技能,并在线上构建一个可持续发展的商业模式。

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Malaysian Female Sellers Uplift Other Women on Shopee

Malaysian Female Sellers Uplift Other Women on Shopee

Shopee’s 2023 ShopeeSapotLokal Building Connected Communities study(1) finds that 100% of Malaysian women who achieve economic inclusion share their success by uplifting other women in B40 and rural areas. For 1,015 female sellers surveyed on the marketplace this Ramadan period: two-thirds hire single, rural, or impoverished women, or source directly from women-owned suppliers; a third facilitate networking opportunities and training programs.

These findings demonstrate that Malaysian women in the digital economy are not only supporting household dependents during peak Ramadan e-commerce sales(2), but are a driving force in giving back by lowering barriers to entry, widening access to customers, and providing more flexibility in time management to other women like themselves. 

When asked ”How has Shopee opened up new opportunities for women sellers like yourself?” – eight in ten respondents value the benefits and freedom of starting an online storefront easily with minimal investments and scaling it for sustainable growth, whereas two in ten respondents value the time they get to support their family, pursue their own aspirations, and enhance their skills.

Having achieved success for themselves this Raya, women on Shopee have been able to save time and effort in establishing alternative revenue streams, build relationships with resellers, vendors, and infrastructure partners they have no prior contacts with, and figure out how to invest in attracting their first customer base, especially for marginalised or impoverished women in rural and B40 communities. Not to mention, juggling their careers on top of household responsibilities and raising children.

#ShopeeSapotLokal’s community of women sellers have a sense of purpose and are capitalising on opportunities to drive greater inclusion by appealing to younger generations of Malaysian shoppers who shop purposefully online(3). When Generation Z choose to buy from women-owned stores, the survey helps them understand why these women think it’s important their business is supported: 60% of respondents are driven by career growth, financial empowerment, and long-term stability. 40% believe in making a positive impact with products that improve lives and by being role models for women and children. 

Kenneth Soh, Head of Marketing at Shopee Malaysia, said, “Our belief is that e-commerce should be accessible to all. With this survey, Shopee’s community of empowered business-women are getting their voices heard. They’re advocating for a multifaceted approach to uplift other women and encouraging online shoppers to support them. These women are playing a significant role in Malaysia’s digital economy, and we’re sitting up listening and giving them the platform to succeed.”

Their growing participation in e-commerce allows Malaysian women to give their point of view on how to upskill other women to unlock their growth potential. 70% of women surveyed identified understanding people and delivering on trust as critical to success 30% prioritise marketing as important to improve store content and deliver on their brand story, 20% focus on engaging shopping experiences to increase orders, and 20% emphasise customer service for star ratings and positive reviews. Only a third think upskilling is needed in navigating the platform features or optimising operations.

When asked which Shopee marketplace feature they utilise most to grow given their specific needs and constraints as women entrepreneurs, 36% of women sellers want to become preferred sellers or achieve Shopee Mall status. 25% want to leverage influencers and Shopee Live for higher visibility, 23% seek Seller Education Hub and Shopee Bintang Komuniti support, and 18% would like to capitalise on Big Campaigns.  

“Championing other women’s success means they can help each other define how Malaysian communities are built, communicated with, and how value-based businesses are run. 90% of women surveyed would recommend Shopee as a platform of choice to other women sellers promoting value-based shopping and inclusion,” Soh concluded. 

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ShopeeFood and Pizza Hut Delivers Love to Food Delivery Partners for Ramadhan and Hari Raya Celebrations

In conjunction with Ramadhan and the upcoming Hari Raya celebrations, ShopeeFood together with Pizza Hut organised several berbuka puasa sessions across Klang Valley and Selangor for its fleet of food delivery partners. The #ShopeeDeliversLove campaign is in its second year and aims to show appreciation to ShopeeFood delivery partners.

Hundreds of delivery partners attended the sessions across many locations such as Wangsa Maju, Kota Damansara, Kepong and Kajang. Besides feasting on various yummy pizzas and beverages provided by Pizza Hut, the delivery partners also received many other goodies like Hari Raya cookies and petrol vouchers.

ShopeeFood and Pizza Hut Delivers Love to Food Delivery Partners for Ramadhan and  Hari Raya Celebrations

According to Kwa Yin Leng, Head of Operations for ShopeeFood Malaysia: “We are excited to be able to host this event on an annual basis for our delivery partners. ShopeeFood recognizes the important role driver partners play in our business. As such, we continue to engage them closely, to better understand their needs. We take our driver partners’ feedback seriously, implement support initiatives and policies that meet their needs and continuously improve their welfare.”

“ShopeeFood is committed to delivering the highest quality of service for our customers by providing our users with value, variety and convenience through an integrated ecosystem. We hope by providing good food to our delivery partners, they will have more flexibility to observe their religious duties while delivering customer orders during this busy period,” she added.

Besides receiving food, delivery partners were also given a chance to win attractive lucky prizes that included smartphones, helmets and other riding apparel like raincoats.

Delivery partners interviewed during the event also expressed their appreciation for the gesture from ShopeeFood. En. Faizal bin Hashom who has been working with ShopeeFood for more than one and a half years said: “It is such a great event, and I hope ShopeeFood can organise a bigger one in the future so more drivers can attend it together. The timing to have the event during the month of Ramadan and Hari Raya is good as wells

Another delivery partner, En. Abdul Qayum Bin Baharum said: “This event is really good for drivers to get together to not only meet new friends that are working in the same area but also a great opportunity to meet the ShopeeFood management team. The gifts are very attractive and I am grateful that we are able to participate in this event. Thank you ShopeeFood.”

ShopeeFood and Pizza Hut Delivers Love to Food Delivery Partners for Ramadhan and  Hari Raya Celebrations

For the Hari Raya period, ShopeeFood will also be having special discounts from 20th - 21st April. The offers include Free Delivery and features various merchants such as myBurgerLab, HWC Coffee, and Nasi Ayam Penyet. ShopeeFood was established in 2021 to help its users benefit from a convenient and hassle-free food delivery experience by providing numerous eateries, from popular joints to local street food stalls, at the best value. As part of Shopee’s existing ecosystem that includes the mobile wallet ShopeePay, along with amazing deals and promotions all year round, Malaysians have a secure, and rewarding payment and delivery experience with ShopeeFood.

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Shopee - 新一代大马人在网购时重视价值观

Shopee-New Generation of Malaysians Shop Value-Based Online

新一代大马人有目的性地在线上购物 – 根据Shopee的市场数据,线上消费者于2023年选择购买提倡精明使用(smarter consumption)的产品是2020年的三倍。相较于“new”,大马人搜索的关键词如“pre-loved”、“pre-owned”、“warehouse clearance”、“demo unit” 以及 “thrift” 有明显地增长。

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Shopee Express Stays Committed to Timely Deliveries Despite Unpredictable Weather

Shopee Express has overcome unpredictable weather conditions, especially in flood-prone areas, to ensure that essential deliveries are made on time. Despite the challenges posed by the weather in several locations such as Kuantan, Muadzam, and Rompin in Pahang as well as Johor Jaya, Kota Tinggi, Mersing, Muar, Segamat, and Yong Peng in Johor, Shopee Express remains committed to providing fast and reliable delivery services to communities in Malaysia.

The unpredictable weather in Malaysia posed significant challenges to businesses operating in the country, particularly those in the logistics and delivery sectors. In such cases, Shopee Express adapted quickly to ensure that unfavourable weather conditions do not impact couriers and deliveries in such scenarios. These measures enable them to deliver orders on schedule while maintaining a high level of safety, care, and precision.

While rescheduling may be necessary in some instances due to local authorities closing off specific routes due to potential high risk of flood or landslide, Shopee Express ensured that customers were kept informed of any changes to their delivery schedules through push notifications. Parcels were delivered diligently at the earliest possible time once conditions permitted.

Muhammad Faris Bin Ismail, 21, a Shopee Express courier from Sri Medan, Johor, who regularly covers Seri Damai Perdana, stated that during the recent flood, he had to navigate through floodwaters as high as 3.5 feet and was occasionally stranded during the journey. Amidst difficult conditions, he persists in delivering parcels safely by foot, fulfilling his duty and the confidence placed in him. He recognizes the importance of bringing joy and convenience to the local communities and feels grateful to be able to make a positive difference in people's lives.

Norazman Bin Mohd Ismail,
34, a Shopee Express courier from Karak, Pahang for over 2 years, shared that the flood season presents uncertainties for delivery services. He feels deeply for those impacted by the floods and strives to deliver parcels safely and promptly as he understands that some parcels may contain urgent items like food or supplements that customers need. Yet, he knows that circumstances beyond his control may result in delays and apologises beforehand for any inconvenience, all the while maintaining his commitment to offering reliable delivery services to customers.

Cheah Lee Sun, Head of Shopee Express, affirmed that timely delivery is important to the communities they serve. “We worked tirelessly to fulfil our promises, even in the face of unpredictable weather conditions. Our couriers are trained to handle such situations, and we are proud of their dedication to support the affected communities.”

“These hardworking couriers handle numerous orders every day, covering long distances to reach their destinations. The number of parcels delivered is a testament to their commitment to supporting local communities. Despite encountering unforeseen challenges along their journey, they display resilience and sacrifice their personal time with loved ones to fulfil their responsibilities."

Shopee Express has become a reliable and trustworthy partner for online shoppers, thanks to its same-day delivery and expanded coverage in Borneo. In order to ensure the safety of its couriers, Shopee Express carefully monitors the weather every day, and provides extra protection to customers' parcels by using gunny sacks and plastic wraps.

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ShopeeFood - 妇女节 感谢女性送餐伙伴的贡献 #shopeedeliverslove

ShopeeFood - 妇女节 感谢女性送餐伙伴的贡献 #shopeedeliverslove

配合于3月份的国际妇女节,ShopeeFood 举办了一场特别活动, 以表感谢巴生谷的女性送餐伙伴。 该活动得到了 NIVEA、Marrybrown、Chatime 和L'Oréal Malaysia 等几个领先品牌的支持。 近 60 名女送餐伙伴与朋友的陪同下参加了这一天的活动。

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Shopee Food - Top Tips For Saving Up Before PAYDAY

If you’re looking to save money while waiting for your salary to arrive, here are THREE WAYS to maximize savings before your next payday:

1. Make a Budget

Before you start shopping, make a budget for how much you can afford to spend. This can help you avoid overspending and ensure that you only buy items you actually need. If you’re ordering online, check out ShopeeFood’s amazing deals that can help you to save up extra ringgits!

2. Plan your Purchases

Look at the items that are on sale and make a list of the ones you want to buy. This way, it helps you to stay focused and avoid buying things on impulse.

3. Enjoy FREE delivery to the fullest

Surprise your best pals with something savory or something sweet! Let it be known that our free delivery vouchers are now up for grabs this ShopeeFood Day and PayDay!

ShopeeFood PayDay Amazing Deals Just You!

Order from a variety of restaurants like Lim Fried Chicken, Kenny Rogers Roasters, Sangkaya, Krispy Kreme and much much more:

From 25th - 28th Feb

● 50% OFF Vouchers

● Free Delivery min. spend RM0

For more information on ShopeeFood Day check out ShopeeFood Day Promos/ PayDay Sale PayDay Sales Promos , or visit or follow @shopeefood_my on Instagram.

Terms and conditions apply.

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